QuickBox / QB

QuickBox is much more than a ‘seedbox installer script’, it is a simplistic approach to achieving easy seedbox and services management from a beautifully designed dashboard. Allowing users the ability to interact with their seedbox and server on a professional grade level.
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Having some trouble on the package installation #90

Closed HiImSinak closed 6 years ago

HiImSinak commented 6 years ago

Hi there !

I'm currently blocked on my QuickBox server.

Actually I can not use any package software like Sonarr or Jackett.

capture d ecran de 2017-10-13 12-07-35

It's the result when i'm clicking on the Jackett application from the QuickBox Dashboard.

I hope some help.

Best Regards hiimsinak

EDIT: I'm running the QB server on Ubuntu 16.04 server.

alex7614 commented 6 years ago


Yesterday same problem with Jackett and rTorrent with 4 fresh Ubuntu 16.04.03 on Esxi 6.5

After 5 re-install, it's working....

HiImSinak commented 6 years ago

I re-installed it 3 times actually.

I'm pretty disappointed. I'm on Proxmox

alex7614 commented 6 years ago

Have you check the install log in /root ?

Maybe it indicate the problem.

For me, and for win time, I installed fresh Ubuntu 16.04.03, ssh, snapshot (no apt upgrade before QuickBox install). So when the install was corrup, revert snapshot and reinstall...

And the last 5th install, no problem... But for me, i didn t check the install log.

JMSDOnline commented 6 years ago

Well, the link for Jackett is actually https://<serverip>/jackett/UI/Dashboard. Not sure how you're getting https://<serverip>/jackett/.

  1. Can you access Jackett via http://<serverip>:9117/jackett?
  2. What does your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/jackett.conf look like?
  3. What is the output of systemctl status jackett@<username> ?

Additionally, Proxmox has been an issue in the past. I'll need to mess with an install on Proxmox to confirm any lingering issues.

HiImSinak commented 6 years ago

Hi guys and thanks for those answers.

My mistake, the correct url was this one : capture d ecran de 2017-10-13 16-04-37

I'm going to try your different steps. Thanks

HiImSinak commented 6 years ago

So, I tried your advice :

1)http://serverip:9117/jackett doesn't work.

2)The jacket conf is like this : capture d ecran de 2017-10-13 16-10-50

3) The command result : capture d ecran de 2017-10-13 16-14-03

I have a friend who has Proxmox with QB and it works.


What did you installed on the ubuntu server ? Ssh service ? etc ... I got the exactly same version as you.

Best Regards

alex7614 commented 6 years ago


Ubuntu 16.04.03 CD 1 vSphere 6.5 U1

Ubuntu -> Fresh install with only OPENSSH-SERVER Package upgrade during Installation of Ubuntu from French REPO.

HiImSinak commented 6 years ago

@alex7614 , can you pm me in private ? I think you're french.

The issue is still the same currently. I'm disapointed.

JMSDOnline commented 6 years ago

Not so sure what you're "disappointed" about. This seems to be an isolated instance as it installs without issue on several servers I have ran this on. Here is a snapshot of this morning on a local install.


Have you made certain these modules are installed?

a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http

Followed by service apache2 restart

You could additionally try changing your jackett.conf to the following:

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
<Location /jackett>
ProxyPass http://localhost:9117/jackett
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:9117/jackett
Require all granted

Again, this could be ann issue with your Proxmox. Have you tried an install without Proxmox?

dtech4you commented 6 years ago

could be that when installed he used a public ip and or a invalid ip when setting up the app so that it does not use the localhost and not using the reverse proxy correctly