QuickBox / QB

QuickBox is much more than a ‘seedbox installer script’, it is a simplistic approach to achieving easy seedbox and services management from a beautifully designed dashboard. Allowing users the ability to interact with their seedbox and server on a professional grade level.
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Upgrading Ombi v2 to Ombi v3 #94

Closed OrgoSteph closed 6 years ago

OrgoSteph commented 6 years ago


I have seen a few complaints, and actually tried to work with some of them to hack together a solution to no avail. Is it possible to get the official script update to v3?

v2 seems to be crashing after a few hours. Sometimes a restart fixes, sometimes the service becomes unresponsive no matter what you do.

I am trying to update the script myself right now, but going in with no experience. I will try my best, but just seeing if you could do it quicker than me.


xman0980 commented 6 years ago

Okay, so I got it to work in my QB. Took some trial and error, but I got it working.

Install Ombi v2 thru QB like normal.

Go to the ombi dir, and delete everything inside it.

extract the v3 files into the folder.

chmod +x Ombi


then do the config inside ombi. Make sure in the base URL, you type in /ombi even though it looks like its entered, its not. you have to manually type it.

I was only able to get it to work on port 5000, so this is where some editing needs to happen.

Edit /etc/systemd/system ombi.service

Description=Systemd script to run Ombi as a service After=network-online.target

[Service] User=yourusername Group=yourusername ExecStart=/opt/ombi/Ombi WorkingDirectory=/opt/ombi/ TimeoutStopSec=30 Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

Edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ ombi.conf

<Location /ombi> ProxyPass http://localhost:5000/ombi ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5000/ombi Require all granted

Should get you rocking and rolling.

OrgoSteph commented 6 years ago

Hey @JMSDOnline ,

Thanks for posting a commit for this. I updated my quickbox, and reinstalled Ombi. It seems to be sitting at "Loading..." and nothing else happens. Tried restarting the service with no success. Thought I would give you my input. If you need anything else just ask !


JMSDOnline commented 6 years ago

@OrgoSteph, thanks for the feedback. I'll do a quick test of this and let you know the results.

Ok, for now a workaround is to go through the Ombi Wizard (@ http://YOURIP:5000) and add the base path manually as /ombi. After you restart Ombi, you should be able to access it via https://YOURIP/ombi

xman0980 commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I had this problem when I was trying to get it working before, and I can't remember what I had to do to make it work.

Also if I try to go to https://YOURIP/ombi it wants Authentication. Not Ombi login auth. it looks like htaccess login. No matter what username pass combo I use, I cant get passed it.

JMSDOnline commented 6 years ago


It looks as if this is only happening on sub.domain.com installations. Anyone with a toplevel.domain is not having errors with the reverse proxy. I don't think IP are affected either.

Bumping this.

One thing https://YOURIP/ombi this is a known issue that we're experiencing with recent versions of Ombi. It looks like it has changed and now we are in need of figuring out a proper reverse. You can still access it via http://<SERVERIP>:5000/ombi, however, I know this isn't ideal, and it doesn't sit well with me either.

You can run the upgradeOmbi command once more. I noticed that there was an issue in this version wherein the Wizard needed to be ran twice. Once on installation of Ombi, then once more by manually typing in https://<SERVERIP>/ombi/Wizard. No clue why. 😕

I'm hoping to send out a note to @tidusjar asking if he knows anything about this issue. I know his strong suit isn't apache (his words, not mine 😜 )

stevendkwtz commented 6 years ago

I can confirm this happens on https://YOURIP/ombi as well. I fixed by following the Ombi Reverse Proxy Examples

Edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ ombi.conf

<Location /ombi>
    Allow from 
    ProxyPass "" connectiontimeout=5 timeout=30 keepalive=on 
    ProxyPassReverse "" 
    RewriteEngine on 
    RewriteRule ^/ombi$ https://mywebsite.com/ombi/ [R=301,L] 
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} "https://mywebsite.com/ombi/" 
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/ombi 
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /ombi$1 [R=301,L]