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Filtering for Admin and user panel #13

Open QuickExpungeio opened 1 year ago

QuickExpungeio commented 1 year ago

As a user, I want to be able to filter and sort data in ascending and descending order so that I can easily find the information I need.

Scenario: Filtering Data As a user, I want to filter data based on specific criteria so that I can narrow down the results and focus on the information I need.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Admin logs into admin panel
  2. Admin will see dashboard
  3. Admin Chooses filtering icon
  4. The filter should allow me to select the criteria I want to apply.
  5. The filtered results should be displayed immediately after applying the filter.
  6. The filter should be flexible and allow me to apply multiple criteria simultaneously if needed.

Scenario: Sorting Data in Ascending Order As a user, I want to be able to sort data in ascending order so that I can easily identify the lowest or earliest values.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Admin logs into admin panel
  2. Admin will see dashboard
  3. Admin Chooses filtering icon
  4. The sorting option should allow me to choose ascending order.
  5. When I select ascending order, the data should be rearranged in ascending order based on the selected sorting criteria.
  6. The sorted data should be displayed immediately after applying the sorting option.

Scenario: Sorting Data in Descending Order As a user, I want to be able to sort data in descending order so that I can easily identify the highest or latest values.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Admin logs into admin panel
  2. Admin will see dashboard
  3. Admin Chooses filtering icon
  4. The sorting option should allow me to choose descending order.
  5. When I select descending order, the data should be rearranged in descending order based on the selected sorting criteria.
  6. The sorted data should be displayed immediately after applying the sorting option.