QuickPermissions / QuickPermissions-Kotlin

The most easiest way to handle Android Runtime Permissions in Kotlin
Apache License 2.0
313 stars 35 forks source link

Looking for maintainers #27

Open kirtan403 opened 2 years ago

kirtan403 commented 2 years ago

This has been quite a while I've been working on this. This library has helped a lot of people dealing with permissions very easy way. As I've been busy with the work and eventually moved to web, got no chance to update to make it compatible and make it up-to-date with latest release.

In my opinion, I feel this is the most clean way to deal with the permissions, I would like to invite someone who can maintain this library and update it to support new android sdk versions.

If anyone would like to maintain this and enhance features on this, I love to provide him/her the access. Please drop the message here or contact me on twitter "@kirtan403" with some mention and showing your past work.

Thanks in advance

amansatija commented 2 years ago

hey i would volunteer to maintin the lib , i find the lib amazing and would like to maintain it

kirtan403 commented 2 years ago

@amansatija Hey, can we connect somewhere to discuss about the future plans of QuickPermissions?

acsbendi commented 2 years ago

I have a fork that I use in my application. Could we continue the development of this library there?