[11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] [homebridge-mieleathome] Launched child bridge with PID 4927
[11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] [homebridge-mieleathome] Loaded homebridge-mieleathome v3.4.0 child bridge successfully
[11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.36263191A580.
[11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] [homebridge-mieleathome] No valid token present in persistent storage. Nor is there a "token" configured in the configuration. Please re-setup this plugin.
[11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] [homebridge-mieleathome] Launched child bridge with PID 4927 [11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] [homebridge-mieleathome] Loaded homebridge-mieleathome v3.4.0 child bridge successfully [11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.36263191A580. [11/1/2024, 8:24:59 PM] [homebridge-mieleathome] No valid token present in persistent storage. Nor is there a "token" configured in the configuration. Please re-setup this plugin.
Homebridge Terminal for Synology DSM
Node.js Version: v20.9.0 Node.js Path: /var/packages/Node.js_v20/target/usr/local/bin/node Plugin Path: /volume1/homebridge/node_modules
Update Node.js: hb-service update-node
Install Plugin: hb-service add homebridge-plugin-name Remove Plugin: hb-service remove homebridge-plugin-name
homebridge@fileserver:/volume1/homebridge $