Quicksaver / Tab-Groups

Reimplementation of Firefox Tab Groups as an add-on.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
546 stars 73 forks source link

Color code groups #287

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

hi, great extension! it would be possible to improve the highlighting of the groups through the use of colors ? one for each group? perhaps with the opportunity to choose them? these would be seen in the menu and in the other modes[single view, grid display, free arrange], these below are some very ugly mockup made quickly :)

Quicksaver commented 8 years ago

I've actually wanted to add this in the last update, but I didn't have a chance to work on it. It will definitely happen in the future. :)

NomadikB commented 8 years ago

This will be a great feature! Can't wait to use it!

klonamy commented 8 years ago

This will increase the visibility more of the groups. Maybe it is more eye friendly to have the groups in the dropdown like this: http://prntscr.com/bd77j3 and the group like this: http://prntscr.com/bd7ant

But of couse the idea is from @iacopodeenosee is great and i will see what the developer will make out of this. It is still great to have this.

Quicksaver commented 8 years ago

@klonamy I can't see the first screenshot.

klonamy commented 8 years ago

The image is there. It is the light colored-grid-like paddern. Sry i don't how to describe that properly.

Quicksaver commented 8 years ago

Oh, I thought it was some sort of placeholder by the website. ;) I understand what you mean, it's not a bad idea, but it would only really help visually separate the groups, not identify them (which isn't bad in itself of course, but doesn't fulfill the whole goal). Still definitely something to consider.

As for the second screenshot, true it would have to be something like that if you chose to hide the group thumbnails.

iShyboy commented 8 years ago

There's an addon, you can have a look at it. Dunno if there's a issue about this. 1 Some good points about that Customize UI: 1st: BG image, can be solid colors, images or both (that includes type of settings for the bg image as any1 can see, repeat etc). 2nd: Inputbox with Colorpick and various types of colors allowed (hex, rgb,rba). css 3rd: Name colors for the groups, it could be auto, or have shadows colorpick for it too. 4th: inputbox for css, if we had some wiki for the elements here with the basic to change, you could put just a box like that and load it on tabview.

I could make a style for tabview but I don't know what is this and that, we don't have a wiki here, and the styles out there is somewhat vague, I did made some but they were ugly and there's nothing like a ui for that. I'm just mumbling here but style is something that it's different for everyone.

The coloring groups is the same and it's easy to do or how to do it. Since we don't have space in tab view for the colors and it's a waste to change the colors in the options (since you cant see the changes there), put the coloring in the group option, since it's personal and the other groups (unchanged) and new ones will go by default. 2. 3

claell commented 7 years ago
