QuiltMC / cozy-discord

Discord bot used for Quilt's day-to-day tasks. Discord avatar based on Feuerfuchs blobfox emoji at https://www.feuerfuchs.dev/en/projects/blobfox-emojis/
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Automatic Voice Channels #69

Open gdude2002 opened 1 year ago

gdude2002 commented 1 year ago

I forgot to make an issue for this, so let's make one now.

As discussed in a Discord suggestion, I believe we can do better with our voice channels. Voice channels are often made use of for a specific purpose, but many people make use of them in different ways - and often not in the ways that the group originally using the channel expects. This can result in users disrupting the conversation or activity, and generally causing problems unintentionally.

I proposed that this is a function of how we handle voice channels, and I think we can work around it by creating a Cozy module to automatically handle voice channels. It should work something like this:

Approaching voice channels in a dynamic way like this should result in less general voice disruption and a better way to signpost what a channel is for.