QuiltMC / cozy-discord

Discord bot used for Quilt's day-to-day tasks. Discord avatar based on Feuerfuchs blobfox emoji at https://www.feuerfuchs.dev/en/projects/blobfox-emojis/
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Implement AMA bot from https://github.com/NoComment1105/cozy-ama #71

Closed NoComment1105 closed 11 months ago

NoComment1105 commented 1 year ago

Untested locally due to discord not updating my bots commands, hopefully someone else can see if it works?

EDIT: It was rate limiting please hold EDIT 2: Nevermind it just won't start plz help

NoComment1105 commented 1 year ago

I was able to test and have since done so and fixed a couple of issues i found. All is ready for review

ghost commented 1 year ago

Just talked about this in AMA chat but this currently has no support for plural kit. It sounds like it would not be feasible to add and have it work properly however should an optional name field be added to the ask modal so that people part of plural systems can have their name shown in the question.

Here's a little bit of a bad mockup: image

sschr15 commented 1 year ago

Ladysnake's fork of Cozy does this for suggestion submissions:

Modal text box called "PluralKit Member ID"

A similar feature could be made for the AMA modal