QuiltMC / cozy-discord

Discord bot used for Quilt's day-to-day tasks. Discord avatar based on Feuerfuchs blobfox emoji at https://www.feuerfuchs.dev/en/projects/blobfox-emojis/
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move mod incompatibility list to github #74

Closed ix0rai closed 11 months ago

ix0rai commented 1 year ago

the mod incompatibility list should be somewhere other than the forum, for two reasons

I propose we host it on github, so update can simply be done through pull requests. I think a dedicated repository for this file would be best, so parity issues with the forum could be tracked through github issues.

Southpaw1496 commented 1 year ago

As an alternative, we can also host it on the website, and we would still be able to update it through pull requests. We can create a new issue tag for incompatibility updates if necessary, but we can probably also just track it through the forum thread, as it is now, and make submitting a post on the forum thread a requirement for the pull request to be merged.

ix0rai commented 1 year ago

mhm, the website repository would be good too! as long as there's a better way to update it than "ping gdude" I'm happy

gdude2002 commented 1 year ago

I'd also vouch for putting it on the site.

Southpaw1496 commented 1 year ago

I have submitted a Pull Request to the website (https://github.com/QuiltMC/quiltmc.org/pull/147) which can be merged once the changes required for Cozy are implemented.