Open 770grappenmaker opened 4 months ago
Update: it does not have something to do with the fact a name is proposed. Manually building enigma to strip the call to registerSpecializedMethodNamingService
indeed removes the bridge method name proposal, but then if I rename it to reversed
, or any other name apparently, it does now update the name to appear as "mapped", but the following lines are added to its .mapping
METHOD reversed reversed ()Ljava/util/Deque;
METHOD reversed reversed ()Ljava/util/SequencedCollection;
Additionally, by removing the proposal, the decompilation of the implementation, net/minecraft/unmapped/C_scihbqqa
, successfully remaps, which is extra weird since the return types do not match.
Update: I decided to poke around in the code, and interestingly, in EntryRemapper#doPutMapping
, if I print the "resolved entries" (I guess this is for resolving overloads etc?), it reads
Resolved [net/minecraft/unmapped/C_bhbelvxt.reversed()Ljava/util/Deque;, net/minecraft/unmapped/C_bhbelvxt.reversed()Ljava/util/SequencedCollection;] while putting net/minecraft/unmapped/C_bhbelvxt.m_dnwfaduj()Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_bhbelvxt;
If I straight up disable bridge indexing, the issue is fixed. (commenting this.getIndex(BridgeMethodIndex.class).findBridgeMethods();
Update: I decided to poke around in the code, and interestingly, in
, if I print the "resolved entries" (I guess this is for resolving overloads etc?), it reads
Of course it's an entry resolving issue
pretty much the most classic component to break
I can see why this problem hasn't occurred yet before: according to a quick script I wrote, the following classes (mapped if name is known for the latest build of QM) have potential bridge methods:
(the strategy for determining these is basically checking whether for some interface there exists a method such that it is not ACC_PRIVATE
, and calls only a single other method, apparently proguard strips ACC_BRIDGE
The only one that has a bridge method related to a java/
type is our perpetrator C_bhbelvxt
... can't believe this bug occurs for a single class...
For reference, I used this snippet of code
val MethodNode.isPotentialBridge get() =
access and ACC_SYNTHETIC != 0
&& access and ACC_PRIVATE == 0
&& access and ACC_STATIC == 0
&& access and ACC_FINAL == 0
&& instructions.countIsInstance<MethodInsnNode>() == 1
fun main() {
JarInputStream(Path("""/path/to/1.21-hashed.jar""").inputStream()).use { input ->
val itfWithBridge = generateSequence { input.nextJarEntry }
.filter {".class") }
.map { ClassReader(input.readBytes()) }
.filter { it.access and ACC_INTERFACE != 0 }
.filter { reader ->
ClassNode().also { reader.accept(it, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG) }.methods.any { it.isPotentialBridge }
}.map { it.className }
val mappingsPath = """/path/to/quilt-mappings-1.21+build.9-mergedv2/mappings/mappings.tiny"""
val mappings = Path(mappingsPath).useLines { TinyMappingsV2Format.parse(it) }
val remapper = SimpleRemapper(mappings.asASMMapping(
from = "hashed",
to = "named",
includeMethods = false,
includeFields = false
itfWithBridge.forEach { println( }
For example, when mapping QM, I stumbled upon the class
, which appears to be some sort of collection type that extends the capabilities of aDeque
with some of the methods fromList
. Its first method ism_dnwfaduj
, but of course since I haven't mapped it yet enigma draws it as gray (the proposed name isreversed
, which seems correct). If I then give it a name (either by marking as unmapped or renaming) it has two unexpected behaviours:net/minecraft/unmapped/C_scihbqqa
, an implementation ofC_bhbelvxt
, does not get remapped (which is a consequence of the next behaviour, probably).mapping
file unexpectedly gets an entry ofMETHOD reversed reversed ()Ljava/util/Deque;
, which obviously is wrong since I mapped the methodm_dnwfaduj()Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_bhbelvxt;
, notreversed()Ljava/util/Deque;
This might have something to do with the fact a name is proposed.
I tried overwriting the entry in the mapping file as
METHOD m_dnwfaduj reversed ()Lnet/minecraft/unmapped/C_bhbelvxt;
, and it appears that enigma straight up ignores it. Saving the mappings or requesting to drop invalid mappings does not seem to have an effect.