QuintenQVD0 / Q_eggs

Some special https://pterodactyl.io eggs made for ARM64
91 stars 14 forks source link

[Egg Request]: Enshrouded #88

Closed Weatwagon closed 7 months ago

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

Does this expand an already existing service


Link to a game or software


Links for the download


Links for the install docs


Does this app work on ARM?

I don't know

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago


can you check my work gist to dockerfile,entrypoint.sh,egg-enshrouded-a-r-m64.js

I attempted to make an Enshrouded server by combing some yolks form your repo. I put together proton and box86 and proton.

Can you tell me if I did these correctly or if they are configured bad.

My testing the server starts up and i'm able to connect to it.

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

We can not run proton on arm64

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

as wine and all patches are AMD64 only

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

But if it works it works, I leave this open and See what I can do / test

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

"can not" or just runs poorly? I have not kicked the tires on it verry much I'll be able to put some hours of game paly into later today.

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

"can not" or just runs poorly? I have not kicked the tires on it verry much I'll be able to put some hours of game paly into later today.

Last time I tested this, it would just hard crash when attempting to start proton, but you claim you got it to works so ofc I test it, Build the image myself and try

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

Off topic but, thanks for figuring out the RCON on PalWorld. I applied your fix to my startup on arm and it works well there too.

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

Off topic but, thanks for figuring out the RCON on PalWorld. I applied your fix to my startup on arm and it works well there too.

I builded my parser aplication in golang so it als has a native build for that. That is also on my todo list :)

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

and @Weatwagon Where in your image are you installing box86?

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

I went back and forth testing different yolks from your repo. I guess the one I copied form your emulation folder only had box64 installed. I'm pretty sure I had one that installed both. I can build a new image with both.

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

I went back and forth testing different yolks from your repo. I guess the one I copied form your emulation folder only had box64 installed. I'm pretty sure I had one that installed both. I can build a new image with both.

I am building a test image rn based on the installer image and removing duplicate packages

And things like rcon or protontricks are not realy needed

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

Oh, I have no doubt you'll find a bunch of trash. I'm only being a script kitty smashing things together and seeing what works. brute force ftw.

The startup console looks like this now

AMD64 Emualtor image
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD AES CRC32 PMULL ATOMICS SHA1 SHA2 PageSize:4096 Running on Neoverse-N1 with 4 Cores
Params database has 55 entries
Box64 with Dynarec v0.2.7 5f57de01 built on Feb  1 2024 06:28:15
/entrypoint.sh: line 6: box86: command not found

So I am running on an image without box86

I'm also getting errors like this

Error loading needed lib libSDL3.so.0
Warning: Cannot dlopen("libSDL3.so.0"/0x7fff0ea65a5b, 2)

even though I copied the files into the /home/container/steamcmd/linxu32 an 64 folders

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago


libSDL3 normally can be ignored, it's not needed

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

Ok cool I can take that out of the install script then.

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

quintenqvd/pterodactyl_images:proton has proton, box64 and box86

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

quintenqvd/pterodactyl_images:proton has proton, box64 and box86

I see the update. I'll do a test with your image. Thanks for cleaning up my trash!

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

@QuintenQVD0 We played a few hours last night and there were no issues that we found while running with box and proton. With two users connected CPU stayed in the 200-270% range and memory usage sub 2 GiB.

I wanted to test the performance difference with FEX. Here is my docker setup Can you take a look at it if it can be optimized?

startup command changed to: export HOME=/home/container; FEXInterpreter /usr/local/bin/proton run ./enshrouded_server.exe

Server is up and running on FEX I'll report the performance difference when I get a chance.

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

Does fex with proton preform better then box64 and 86?

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

I'm not at home to test at the moment, but the idle CPU is already lower. Fex: 70-85% box: 105-115%

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

I did a quick test, I remoted into my PC at home. With one player connected Fex: 165-185% Box: 195-215%

QuintenQVD0 commented 8 months ago

Yea thats peity clear. We will go with fex :)

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

haha ok, can you do your magic and make my docker file not so ugly :P

Weatwagon commented 8 months ago

I can make it a PR to the yolks repo if that is easier