QuintineSol / DCiA

Data Consultancy in Action
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Drop-down Menu for Community Detection Algorithms #44

Closed ElanoBeer closed 3 months ago

ElanoBeer commented 3 months ago

The main component in view of the next meeting will be the community detection tab. A drop-down menu has not been implemented yet, but should not be too difficult. The menu should allow for the implementation of different algorithms. Although the implementation of the algorithms could be rather simple, visualizing the result could provide issues.

imbanunes commented 3 months ago

The script shiny_comm_detection.R builds upon Nufail’s Shiny_Base.R and replaces the former code section with the Community Detection one. This allows the user to run different algorithms on the previously uploaded data; these are:

  1. Fast and Greedy
  2. Louvain
  3. Girvan-Newman
  4. Walktrap

The Fast greedy community detection works only on graphs without multi-edges, and I did not implement a check/condition for this though. After selecting the algorithm the user is shown the modularity and the community memberships. No plot/viz was included, so that’s also something to extend upon.