QuiteAFancyEmerald / Holy-Unblocker

Holy Unblocker LTS is a web proxy service that helps you access websites that may be blocked by your network or policy extensions all within your browser with no download or setup. It does this securely and with additional privacy features. This repository is for Holy Unblocker LTS; specifically for the v6.x.x versions. (Star if you fork it!!)⚡
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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How to change default place for the proxy ? #23

Closed masbenny closed 3 years ago

masbenny commented 3 years ago

Default directory proxy: http://localhost:8080 default config.json : { "port": "8080" }

how to change to other directory ?? ex : http://localhost/newdirectory/:8080

i have problem cannot running proxy and get redirect on my homepage site: https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/views/

QuiteAFancyEmerald commented 3 years ago

What web server are you using? I'm kinda confused on what you are asking but if you are asking how to change the directory path for where static assets are served with Holy Unblocker in app.js you can look there. :)

On your web server you would want to have a location block of some sort for /whateverpathhere with Holy Unblocker as a backend, there should be no need for having to modify Holy Unblocker directly but I'm not sure how you have this set up. In fact if you did setup Holy Unblocker correctly you could simply have a path like so: https://jejagu.com/whateverpathhere

Something like proxy_pass http://localhost:8080 (NGINX) or ProxyPass /whateverpathhere http://localhost:8080/ (Apache).

Could you provide more information about what you are doing?

masbenny commented 3 years ago

i used Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server. and default directory is : /var/www/html/

i am install like the recommendation how to setup.

I try to run the application in directory with chmod 777 : https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/ i got message forbidden error,

Then i try run in directory ; https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/views/ The app running, but cannot used proxy and get redirect to https://jejagu.com/?z

i try to change in app.js directory like this : `//Cloudflare Attack Mode Fix

app.post('/var/www/html/HolyUnblockerPublic/views/', async(req, res) => res.send(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'views', 'index.html'), 'utf8')));`

but still get redirect in https://jejagu.com/?z

i want the proxy can run at default directory : https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/views/ or https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic

i try other source code proxy : https://jejagu.com/proxy/ with npm install has not problem.

Then i find Holy Unblocker with nice themes and more proxy really very cool... but still make me got headeache :D

QuiteAFancyEmerald commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure how you are setting this up. You are using npm or something like pm2 correct? If setup correctly, https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/views would simply be https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/. Same goes for on-site navigation.


Here is how I would interpret the correct steps for this. I would maybe use another folder for this but you can also clone Holy Unblocker in /var/www/html/.

Make sure you have Node.js installed.

$ cd /var/www/html
$ git clone https://github.com/QuiteAFancyEmerald/HolyUnblockerPublic.git
$ cd HolyUnblockerPublic
$ npm install
$ npm start

Then simply add this to httpd.conf:

ProxyPass /HolyUnblockerPublic http://localhost:8080/

Lastly be sure to have “mod_proxy” and “mod_proxy_http” modules enabled. Restart Apache and then try using Holy Unblocker.

Tell me if the issues persist even after you do this.

masbenny commented 3 years ago

root@bugs12:/var/www/html/HolyUnblockerPublic# npm start

holyub@4.5.0 start node app.js

keep have the same problem.... the proxy always redirect at this url : https://jejagu.com/?z

jejagu.com is main site.

i used proxy to other directory, the result will be like : https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/?z

QuiteAFancyEmerald commented 3 years ago

I'm closing this since the above very much confused me and no response has been given in awhile.

"i used proxy to other directory, the result will be like : https://jejagu.com/HolyUnblockerPublic/?z"

Is the above implying that the steps above did work? If so then all you need to do is rename the folder for a new path and edit httpd.conf with something like so lol

ProxyPass /newdir http://localhost:8080/

Feel free to open this again if this still is an issue :D