QuiteRSS / quiterss

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Request: New feed automatically added to filters #1494

Open Anmibe opened 2 years ago

Anmibe commented 2 years ago

New feeds are ignored by filters, they must be added manually. Would be nice to have this as an option as check mark in the filter definition.

slalaurette commented 2 years ago

I had suggested this as issue #1490. It would be nice indeed. It feels like a bug NOT to have new feeds added to the filters. I hadn't even noticed this until I randomly found in a feed an article which should have appeared in the results but didn't.

Anmibe commented 2 years ago

Didin’t view your comment before, but I agree fully with it. Perhaps a bug, since QuitsRSS is still quite buggy (it freezes quite often when loading these shitty scripts from newspapers), but I’m glad to have it.

slalaurette commented 2 years ago

I wrote a small AutoHotkey script that works around this issue. After adding one or more feeds you press F9 to update all filters.


#IfWinActive ahk_exe QuiteRSS.exe

; https://github.com/QuiteRSS/quiterss/issues/1494
F9::                                    ; update all filters
    Send {Alt UP}{Ctrl UP}
    Send !t             ; Tools
    Send {Down 2}       ; News Filters
    Send {Enter}
    WinWaitActive, News Filters
    Loop, 10 {
        Send {Down}     ; next filter
        Send {Tab 2}    ; Edit
        Send {Enter}
        WinWaitActive, Filter Rules
        Send +{Tab}     ; All Feeds
        Send {Space}
        Sleep 500
        Send {Enter}
        WinWaitActive, News Filters
        Send +{Tab 2}

qcybb commented 2 years ago

It's almost been 2 years since the last QuiteRSS update. You guys may want to check out RSSGuard instead.


It's actively being updated and it has even more options that this one.

slalaurette commented 2 years ago

I checked out RSSGuard before QuiteRSS and it didn't meet my expectations. I found it quite idiosyncratic and hard to customize. This was a few months ago. I may give it another try.

Anmibe commented 2 years ago

When I once checked it out, an online source was mandatory, a no go for me! Therefore it lacked OPML im-/export.