Quramy / electron-connect

Livereload tool for Electron
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Help configuring with webpack #65

Open michaeljota opened 8 years ago

michaeljota commented 8 years ago

Hi! Thanks for develop this tool. I'm trying to use this with webpack, and I successfully had setup basic reload. However, I would like some additional task to be handle. This is my actual file:

 * @author: @michaeljota

const appRoot = require('app-root-path');

const mainThreadConfig = require('./main'); // Resolve the Webpack config file for the main thread.
const rendererThreadConfig = require('./renderer'); // Resolve the Webpack config file for the renderer thread.

const webpackMerge = require('webpack-merge');
const { server, client } = require('electron-connect');

const electron = server.create({ path: appRoot.resolve('dist') }); // Create the server in the output folder

 * Webpack Plugins
const { ProvidePlugin } = require('webpack');
const WebpackOnBuildPlugin = require('on-build-webpack');

module.exports = (env) => {
  let started = false;

  return [
    // The Electron main thread configuration
    webpackMerge(mainThreadConfig(env), {
      plugins: [
        new WebpackOnBuildPlugin(function (stats) {
          if (!started) {
            started = true;
          } else {
        new ProvidePlugin({
          livesyncClient: client,
    // The Electron renderer thread configuration
    webpackMerge(rendererThreadConfig(env), {
      plugins: [
        new WebpackOnBuildPlugin(function (stats) {
          if (started) {

What I want it's to the electron-connect to only reload the renderer thread when the renderer files changes, and the reload the whole application when the main files changes.

It's that posible? Thanks you.

rob3c commented 7 years ago

@michaeljota Did you have any luck getting main and renderer reloads working with webpack?

michaeljota commented 7 years ago

@rob3c nop. That's all I got. I think this maybe have do to with Webpack life cycle, other than with Electron itself. However, I have not try any other setup. If you find something, pingme here. :).