Quramy / tsuquyomi

A Vim plugin for TypeScript
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should tsuquyomi_javascript_support doc mention setting omnifunc? #268

Closed tnishimura closed 2 years ago

tnishimura commented 5 years ago

In order to get tsuquyomi omni-completion working with .js files, I have to do:

let g:tsuquyomi_javascript_support = 1

as well as:

autocmd FileType javascript,javascript.jsx setlocal omnifunc=tsuquyomi#complete

(javascript.jsx because I I have vim-jsx installed, which apparently changes my filetype to it). Otherwise, Vim seems to use javascriptcomplete#completejs. The doc doesn't mention setting omnifunc -- was this supposed to be obvious? Or, is Tsuquyomi supposed to automatically set omnifunc?

I am on Ubuntu 18.04, vim 8.0.