QutEcoacoustics / baw-client

The AngularJS client for the bioacoustic workbench
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Annotation library: sometimes attempts to download invalid media files #290

Open atruskie opened 7 years ago

atruskie commented 7 years ago

Can't reproduce, but getting exception emails.

Go to: https://www.ecosounds.org/library?tagsPartial=limnodynastes&reference=reference&page=2&items=10

A BawAudioTools::Exceptions::SegmentRequestTooLong occurred in media#show:

Requested duration 0.2773 (0.0 to 0.2773) is less than minimum (0.5).
lib/modules/api/media_metadata.rb:187:in `check_duration_defaults'
------------------------------- Request:

* URL        : https://www.ecosounds.org/audio_recordings/355055/media.ogg?audio_event_id=199554&end_offset=0.2773&start_offset=0&user_token=blahblahblahblah
* HTTP Method: GET
* IP address : blah.blah.blah.blah
* Parameters : {"audio_event_id"=>"199554", "end_offset"=>"0.2773", "start_offset"=>"0", "user_token"=>"blahblahblahblah" format"=>"ogg", "controller"=>"media", "action"=>"show", "audio_recording_id"=>"355055"}

I suspect there is some kind of rounding issues associated with an event being near the end/start of its file.