Created attachment 12392
scan-build results
Analyzer claims that the condition on the same variable evaluates to two
different results:
Please note that variable in question is "const isc_boolean_t new_zone".
1901 static isc_result_t ATTR_NONNULLS ATTR_CHECKRESULT
1902 zone_sync_apex(ldap_instance_t *inst, ldap_entry_t *entry, dns_name_t name,
1903 sync_state_t sync_state, const isc_boolean_t new_zone,
1904 dns_db_t *ldapdb, dns_db_t *rbtdb, dns_dbversion_t *version,
1905 dns_diff_t *diff, isc_uint32_t *new_serial,
1906 isc_boolean_t *ldap_writeback) {
1935 if (new_zone == ISC_FALSE)
Assuming 'new_zone' is not equal to isc_boolean_false
Taking false branch
1936 CHECK(dns_db_getsoaserial(rbtdb, version, &curr_serial));
1938 /* Detect if SOA serial is affected by the update or not.
1939 * Always bump serial in case of re-synchronization. */
1940 CHECK(diff_analyze_serial(diff, &soa_tuple, &data_changed));
1941 if (new_zone == ISC_TRUE || data_changed == ISC_TRUE ||
Assuming 'new_zone' is not equal to isc_boolean_true
It is interesting that the problem disappears if I change
1935 if (new_zone == ISC_FALSE)
1935 if (new_zone != ISC_TRUE)
Relevant definitions are:
typedef enum { isc_boolean_false = 0, isc_boolean_true = 1 } isc_boolean_t;
#define ISC_FALSE isc_boolean_false
#define ISC_TRUE isc_boolean_true
#define ISC_TF(x) ((x) ? ISC_TRUE : ISC_FALSE)
Maybe the analyzer assumes that the value can be something else than 0 or 1?
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