Quuxplusone / LLVMBugzillaTest

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Backtrace missing frames while debugging breakpad generated minidump #26565

Open Quuxplusone opened 8 years ago

Quuxplusone commented 8 years ago
Bugzilla Link PR26567
Status NEW
Importance P normal
Reported by joshualang@google.com
Reported on 2016-02-10 13:48:14 -0800
Last modified on 2017-09-06 11:21:57 -0700
Version unspecified
Hardware PC other
CC lemo1234@gmail.com, llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org
Fixed by commit(s)
Attachments 32bd5c16-1afd-410d-911c-1bc0e1e71909.dmp (121408 bytes, application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap)
Blocked by
See also
I am trying out the minidump target on the windows lldb builds.

My test was to debug a windows minidump generated through breakpad using

I've attached:

   The executable with debug symbols (cross compiled from linux with mingw-gcc).  This was used to generate the breakpad symbols.

   The minidump generated through breakpad

   The stack trace that I get from lldb

Using breakpad's stackwalk tool I see the following stack trace (truncated)
which has the correct stack trace.

Report ID859ac03000000000
Total Threads43
Processed Threads43
0x005c1f13  (emulator-x86.exe -console.c:2606 ) do_crash
0x005be45b  (emulator-x86.exe -console.c:427 )  control_client_do_command
0x005be713  (emulator-x86.exe -console.c:513 )  control_client_read_byte
0x005bea56  (emulator-x86.exe -console.c:572 )  control_client_read
0x00459d65  (emulator-x86.exe -Looper.cpp:129
)   android::qemu::::QemuLooper::FdWatch::fire
0x0045aac0  (emulator-x86.exe -Looper.cpp:329
)   android::qemu::::QemuLooper::handleBottomHalf
0x00408942  (emulator-x86.exe -async.c:150 )    qemu_bh_poll
0x004a2f3a  (emulator-x86.exe -main-loop.c:307 )    main_loop_wait
0x004a2f83  (emulator-x86.exe -main-loop.c:333 )    main_loop
0x004bd73a  (emulator-x86.exe -vl-android.c:3853 )  qemu_main
0x0045c0e6  (emulator-x86.exe -main.c:155 ) enter_qemu_main_loop
0x007fb32d  (emulator-x86.exe -emulator-qt-window.h:64 )    MainLoopThread::run
0x6696291d  (Qt5Core.dll + 0x0002291d )
0x76e67faf  (msvcrt.dll + 0x00017faf )
0x76e680f4  (msvcrt.dll + 0x000180f4 )
0x75677c03  (kernel32.dll + 0x00017c03 )
0x778fad6e  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad6e )
0x778fad39  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad39 )
Thread 0
0x778dc9ec  (ntdll.dll + 0x0003c9ec )
0x7550dcc2  (user32.dll + 0x0000dcc2 )
0x66b6d1af  (Qt5Core.dll + 0x0022d1af )
0x6dee4580  (qwindows.dll + 0x00024580 )
0x66b164a5  (Qt5Core.dll + 0x001d64a5 )
0x66b1e467  (Qt5Core.dll + 0x001de467 )
0x0053d116  (emulator-x86.exe -winsys-qt.cpp:115 )  skin_winsys_enter_main_loop
0x0045e4e5  (emulator-x86.exe -main.c:1030 )    qt_main
0x0053e997  (emulator-x86.exe -winsys-qt.cpp:397 )  qMain
0x00402801  (emulator-x86.exe -qtmain_win.cpp:113 ) WinMain
0x0089f3ec  (emulator-x86.exe -crt0_c.c:18 )    main
0x00401401  (emulator-x86.exe -crtexe.c:315 )   __tmainCRTStartup
0x75677c03  (kernel32.dll + 0x00017c03 )
0x778fad6e  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad6e )
0x778fad39  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad39 )
Thread 2
0x778dc47c  (ntdll.dll + 0x0003c47c )
0x77222c01  (KERNELBASE.dll + 0x00002c01 )
0x005e7637  (emulator-x86.exe -ConditionVariable_win32.cpp:91
)   android::base::ConditionVariable::wait
0x005b4297  (emulator-x86.exe -WearAgent.cpp:261
)   android::wear::WearAgentImpl::connectToAdbHostWorker
0x005b4a84  (emulator-x86.exe + 0x001b4a84 )
0x005b5197  (emulator-x86.exe -functional:2057 )    std::_Function_handler<int(),
0x00845ce9  (emulator-x86.exe -functional:2471 )    std::function<int()>::operator()
0x005e19c5  (emulator-x86.exe -FunctorThread.cpp:29
)   android::base::FunctorThread::main
0x005e7e0c  (emulator-x86.exe -Thread_win32.cpp:127
)   android::base::Thread::thread_main
0x75677c03  (kernel32.dll + 0x00017c03 )
0x778fad6e  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad6e )
0x778fad39  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad39 )
Thread 3
0x778dc47c  (ntdll.dll + 0x0003c47c )
0x77222c01  (KERNELBASE.dll + 0x00002c01 )
0x005e7637  (emulator-x86.exe -ConditionVariable_win32.cpp:91
)   android::base::ConditionVariable::wait
0x005dcfcd  (emulator-x86.exe -MessageChannel.cpp:51
)   android::base::MessageChannelBase::beforeRead
0x00823812  (emulator-x86.exe -MessageChannel.h:87
)   android::base::MessageChannel<CameraCommand, 4u>::receive
0x007f9f61  (emulator-x86.exe -camera-capture-windows.cpp:905
)   CameraThread::main
0x005e7e0c  (emulator-x86.exe -Thread_win32.cpp:127
)   android::base::Thread::thread_main
0x75677c03  (kernel32.dll + 0x00017c03 )
0x778fad6e  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad6e )
0x778fad39  (ntdll.dll + 0x0005ad39 )

When I use lldb, I get the following backtrace which has some similar frames
but some threads are basically empty.

For example, Thread 2 below is Thread 1 in the above stacktrace due to start at
0 count but there are only kernel frames even though the the exception address
is the same.  When I use a stripped binary (or no debug symbols are found),
there are no frames displayed at all.  I'd expect that the frames would be
included at least with addresses and module name but maybe I'm mistaken on how
the stackwalk/unwinder works.

>..\..\lldb\bin\lldb.exe emulator-x86.exe -c 32bd5c16-1afd-410d-911c-
(lldb) target create "emulator-x86.exe" --core "32bd5c16-1afd-410d-911c-1bc0e1e7
Core file 'C:\Users\joshualang\Downloads\tools_r25-windows\tools\32bd5c16-1afd-4
10d-911c-1bc0e1e71909.dmp' (i386) was loaded.
(lldb) bt
* thread #2: tid = 0x1cd0, 0x778dc9ec ntdll.dll`NtWaitForMultipleObjects + 12, s
top reason = Exception 0xc0000005 encountered at address 0x5c1f13
  * frame #0: 0x778dc9ec ntdll.dll`NtWaitForMultipleObjects + 12
    frame #1: 0x772328c3 KERNELBASE.dll`GetStartupInfoW + 4643
(lldb) bt all
  thread #1: tid = 0x2a74, 0x778dc9ec ntdll.dll`NtWaitForMultipleObjects + 12
    frame #0: 0x778dc9ec ntdll.dll`NtWaitForMultipleObjects + 12
    frame #1: 0x772328c3 KERNELBASE.dll`GetStartupInfoW + 4643

* thread #2: tid = 0x1cd0, 0x778dc9ec ntdll.dll`NtWaitForMultipleObjects + 12, s
top reason = Exception 0xc0000005 encountered at address 0x5c1f13
  * frame #0: 0x778dc9ec ntdll.dll`NtWaitForMultipleObjects + 12
    frame #1: 0x772328c3 KERNELBASE.dll`GetStartupInfoW + 4643

  thread #3: tid = 0x2ea4, 0x778dc47c ntdll.dll`NtWaitForSingleObject + 12
    frame #0: 0x778dc47c ntdll.dll`NtWaitForSingleObject + 12
    frame #1: 0x77222cc7 KERNELBASE.dll`WaitForSingleObjectEx + 183
    frame #2: 0x77222c02 KERNELBASE.dll`WaitForSingleObject + 18
    frame #3: 0x005e7638 emulator-x86.exe`android::base::ConditionVariable::wait
(this=0x0295c10c, userLock=0x0295c130) + 104 at ConditionVariable_win32.cpp:91
    frame #4: 0x005b4298 emulator-x86.exe`android::wear::WearAgentImpl::connectT
oAdbHostWorker(this=0x0295bc60) + 136 at WearAgent.cpp:261
    frame #5: 0x005b4a85 emulator-x86.exe`operator(__closure=0x02902a78) + 21 at
    frame #6: 0x005b5198 emulator-x86.exe`std::_Function_handler<int(), android:
:wear::WearAgentImpl::WearAgentImpl(android::base::Looper*, int)::__lambda0>::_M
_invoke(__functor=0x0295c0f8) + 24 at functional:2057
    frame #7: 0x00845cea emulator-x86.exe`std::function<int ()>::operator(this=0
x0295c0f8)() const + 42 at functional:2471
    frame #8: 0x005e19c6 emulator-x86.exe`android::base::FunctorThread::main(thi
s=0x0295c0c8) + 22 at FunctorThread.cpp:29
    frame #9: 0x005e7e0d emulator-x86.exe`_ZN7android4base6Thread11thread_mainEP
v@4(arg=0x0295c0c8) + 29 at Thread_win32.cpp:127
    frame #10: 0x75677c04 kernel32.dll`BaseThreadInitThunk + 36
    frame #11: 0x778fad6f ntdll.dll`RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 143

  thread #4: tid = 0x3a94, 0x778dc47c ntdll.dll`NtWaitForSingleObject + 12
    frame #0: 0x778dc47c ntdll.dll`NtWaitForSingleObject + 12
    frame #1: 0x77222cc7 KERNELBASE.dll`WaitForSingleObjectEx + 183
    frame #2: 0x77222c02 KERNELBASE.dll`WaitForSingleObject + 18
    frame #3: 0x005e7638 emulator-x86.exe`android::base::ConditionVariable::wait
(this=0x008a74b8, userLock=0x008a74a0) + 104 at ConditionVariable_win32.cpp:91
    frame #4: 0x005dcfce emulator-x86.exe`android::base::MessageChannelBase::bef
oreRead(this=0x008a7494) + 46 at MessageChannel.cpp:51
    frame #5: 0x00823813 emulator-x86.exe`android::base::MessageChannel<CameraCo
mmand, 4u>::receive(this=0x008a7494, msg=0x063fff20) + 19 at MessageChannel.h:87

    frame #6: 0x007f9f62 emulator-x86.exe`CameraThread::main(this=0x008a7464) +
34 at camera-capture-windows.cpp:905
    frame #7: 0x005e7e0d emulator-x86.exe`_ZN7android4base6Thread11thread_mainEP
v@4(arg=0x008a7464) + 29 at Thread_win32.cpp:127
    frame #8: 0x75677c04 kernel32.dll`BaseThreadInitThunk + 36
    frame #9: 0x778fad6f ntdll.dll`RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 143
Quuxplusone commented 8 years ago

Attached 32bd5c16-1afd-410d-911c-1bc0e1e71909.dmp (121408 bytes, application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap): Minidump

Quuxplusone commented 8 years ago

Seems like the binary is too large to attach here.