Quuxplusone / LLVMBugzillaTest

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Clang generates slow U64x2 multiply code for NEON #38939

Open Quuxplusone opened 5 years ago

Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Bugzilla Link PR39967
Status NEW
Importance P enhancement
Reported by Devin Hussey (husseydevin@gmail.com)
Reported on 2018-12-11 19:06:52 -0800
Last modified on 2018-12-27 20:46:02 -0800
Version 7.0
Hardware All Linux
CC efriedma@quicinc.com, llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org, neeilans@live.com, richard-llvm@metafoo.co.uk, smithp352@googlemail.com, Ties.Stuij@arm.com
Fixed by commit(s)
Attachments test.c (4992 bytes, text/x-csrc)
Blocked by
See also PR40032
Created attachment 21214
Benchmark sample code

On 32-bit ARMv7a, Clang produces slow code for U64x2 multiplication.

For example, the xxHash64 routine is much slower than it needs to be. I use a
simplified version of the main loop in the sample code attached.

This expects a unix device, it reads from /dev/urandom for a random output that
can't be precalculated. Don't expect the result to match mine, but expect them
to all match each other.

The first one (nonvec), I forced the target to ARMv7r which was the only
reliable way I found to disable vectorization.

The second one (autovec) is the same code as the first, but without the
vectorization restriction.

The third one (badmult) is with actual vectors, using the built-in multiply

The last one (goodmult), is the same loop as badmult, but with the multiply
instruction replaced with the optimized intrinsic routine.

U64x2 goodmult(U64x2 top, const U64x2 bot) {
  U32x2 topHi = vshrn_n_u64(top, 32);    // U32x2 topHi  = top >> 32;pl
  U32x2 topLo = vmovn_u64(top);          // U32x2 topLo  = top & 0xFFFFFFFF;
  U32x2 botHi = vshrn_n_u64(bot, 32);    // U32x2 botHi  = bot >> 32;
  U32x2 botLo = vmovn_u64(bot);          // U32x2 botLo  = bot & 0xFFFFFFFF;
  U64x2 prod1 = vmull_u32(topLo, botLo); // U64x2 prod1  = (U64x2)topLo * botLo;
  U64x2 prod2 = vmull_u32(topHi, botLo); // U64x2 prod2  = (U64x2)topHi * botLo;
  prod2 = vsraq_n_u64(prod2, prod1, 32); //       prod2 += (prod1 >> 32);
  prod2 =vmlal_u32(prod2, topLo, botHi); //       prod2 += (U64x2)topLo * botHi;
  return vsliq_n_u64(prod1, prod2, 32);  // return prod1 | (prod2 << 32);

Note that Clang does essentially the same thing on SSE4.1.

This is the result of the attached sample on my LG G3 with Clang 7.0.0 -
march=armv7-a -O3 in Termux.

nonvec: 17.237543, result: { 0xd6d2116a54c1f11c, 0xdaeb008208bd6495 }
autovec: 26.295736, result: { 0xd6d2116a54c1f11c, 0xdaeb008208bd6495 }
badmult: 26.307957, result: { 0xd6d2116a54c1f11c, 0xdaeb008208bd6495 }
goodmult: 15.175430, result: { 0xd6d2116a54c1f11c, 0xdaeb008208bd6495 }

As you can see, the automatically vectorized code is significantly

You can define ITERS or DATA_SIZE (make sure it is a multiple of 16) to what
you would like.
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago

Attached test.c (4992 bytes, text/x-csrc): Benchmark sample code

Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Gah. Misclick.

As you can see, the automatically vectorized code is significantly slower than
the nonvectorized code, which is still slightly slower than the optimized

What I found clang was doing was extracting the individual values from the
lanes, doing the same routine I did with normal registers, then putting them
back. GCC actually does a similar thing.

U64x2 badmult(U64x2 v1, U64x2 v2)
    return v1 * v2;

Clang 7.0.0 output:

@ %bb.0:
        .save   {r4, r5, r6, r7, r11, lr}
        push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, r11, lr}
        .setfp  r11, sp, #16
        add     r11, sp, #16
        vmov    d17, r2, r3
        add     r12, r11, #8
        vmov    d16, r0, r1
        vld1.64 {d18, d19}, [r12]
        vmov.32 r0, d16[0]
        vmov.32 r1, d18[0]
        vmov.32 r12, d16[1]
        vmov.32 r3, d17[0]
        vmov.32 r2, d19[0]
        vmov.32 lr, d17[1]
        vmov.32 r6, d19[1]
        umull   r7, r5, r1, r0
        mla     r1, r1, r12, r5
        umull   r5, r4, r2, r3
        mla     r2, r2, lr, r4
        vmov.32 r4, d18[1]
        mla     r2, r6, r3, r2
        vmov.32 d17[0], r5
        vmov.32 d16[0], r7
        vmov.32 d17[1], r2
        mla     r0, r4, r0, r1
        vmov.32 d16[1], r0
        vmov    r2, r3, d17
        vmov    r0, r1, d16
        pop     {r4, r5, r6, r7, r11, pc}

GCC 8.2.0 output

        @ args = 16, pretend = 0, frame = 16
        @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
        push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
        sub     sp, sp, #20
        vmov    d18, r0, r1  @ v2di
        vmov    d19, r2, r3
        vldr    d16, [sp, #40]
        vldr    d17, [sp, #48]
        vmov    r0, r1, d18  @ v2di
        vmov    r6, r7, d16  @ v2di
        vmov    r2, r3, d19  @ v2di
        vmov    r4, r5, d17  @ v2di
        mul     lr, r0, r7
        mla     lr, r6, r1, lr
        mul     ip, r2, r5
        umull   r0, r1, r0, r6
        mla     ip, r4, r3, ip
        add     r1, lr, r1
        umull   r2, r3, r2, r4
        strd    r0, [sp]
        add     r3, ip, r3
        strd    r2, [sp, #8]
        ldmia   sp, {r0-r3}
        add     sp, sp, #20
        pop     {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}

Neither produces optimal code.

However, Clang does produce optimal x86 code:
clang --target=i386-none-eabi -O3 -msse4.1

badmult:                                # @badmult
# %bb.0:
        pushl   %ebp
        movdqa  %xmm1, %xmm2
        movdqa  %xmm0, %xmm3
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        psrlq   $32, %xmm2
        psrlq   $32, %xmm3
        pmuludq %xmm0, %xmm2
        pmuludq %xmm1, %xmm3
        pmuludq %xmm1, %xmm0
        paddq   %xmm2, %xmm3
        psllq   $32, %xmm3
        paddq   %xmm3, %xmm0
        popl    %ebp

Which again, is basically doing the same thing only I think it does it in
reverse. I am not very good with x86 asm.
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago

It seems like you should be able to save a multiply for the ARM sequence by using vmul.i32 instead of two vmull.u32. Or would that end up more expensive due to extra shuffles?

Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago

(The other issue here is that the cost modeling is messed up; currently the vectorizer is underestimating the cost of multiply, so it vectorizes when it isn't actually profitable.)

Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
So you mean this:
U64x2 goodmult(U64x2 top, U64x2 bot) {
        U32x2 d0 = vmovn_u64(top);        // U32x2 d0 = top;
        U32x2 d1 = vshrn_n_u64(top, 32);  // U32x2 d1 = top >> 32;
        U32x2 d2 = vmovn_u64(bot);        // U32x2 d2 = bot & 0xFFFFFFFF;
        U32x2 d3 = vshrn_n_u64(bot, 32);  // U32x2 d3 = bot >> 32;

        U64x2 q3 = vmull_u32(d2, d0);     // U64x2 q3 = (U64x2)d2 * d0;
        U32x2 d5 = vshrn_n_u64(q3, 32);   // U32x2 d5 = q3 >> 32;
        d5 = vmla_u32(d5, d2, d1);        // d5 += d2 * d1;
        d5 = vmla_u32(d5, d3, d0);        // d5 += d3 * d0;
        // return (q3 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (d5 << 32);
        return vsliq_n_u64(q3, vmovl_u32(d5), 32);

Hmm. Seems a lot slower...

        .fnstart                                                                                      @ %bb.0:
        .save   {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}
        push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}
        .setfp  r11, sp, #28
        add     r11, sp, #28
        .pad    #4
        sub     sp, sp, #4
        add     r12, r11, #8
        vmov    d19, r2, r3
        vld1.64 {d16, d17}, [r12]
        vmov    d18, r0, r1
        vshr.u64        q10, q8, #32
        vmov.32 r12, d18[0]
        vmov.32 r1, d20[0]
        vmov.32 lr, d18[1]
        vshr.u64        q11, q9, #32
        vmov.32 r3, d16[0]
        vmov.32 r0, d22[0]
        vmov.32 r2, d16[1]
        vmov.32 r4, d22[1]
        umull   r9, r6, r1, r12
        mla     lr, r1, lr, r6
        umull   r10, r1, r0, r3
        mla     r0, r0, r2, r1
        vmov.32 r1, d19[0]
        vmov.32 r2, d21[0]
        mla     r8, r4, r3, r0
        vmov.32 r3, d19[1]
        umull   r4, r7, r2, r1
        mla     r2, r2, r3, r7
        vmov.32 r3, d17[0]
        vmov.32 r7, d23[0]
        vmov.32 r0, d17[1]
        umull   r5, r6, r7, r3
        mla     r0, r7, r0, r6
        vmov.32 d25[0], r4
        vmov.32 d26[0], r10
        vmov.32 d27[0], r5
        vmov.32 r4, d23[1]
        mla     r0, r4, r3, r0
        vmov.32 r3, d21[1]
        vmov.32 r4, d20[1]
        mla     r1, r3, r1, r2
        vmov.32 d24[0], r9
        vmovn.i64       d18, q9
        mla     r2, r4, r12, lr
        vmov.32 d27[1], r0
        vmovn.i64       d16, q8
        vmull.u32       q8, d16, d18
        vmov.32 d26[1], r8
        vmov.32 d25[1], r1
        vmov.32 d24[1], r2
        vadd.i64        q9, q12, q13
        vsra.u64        q9, q8, #32
        vmov.i64        q10, #0xffffffff
        vand    q9, q9, q10
        vsli.64 q8, q9, #32
        vmov    r0, r1, d16
        vmov    r2, r3, d17
        sub     sp, r11, #28
        pop     {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, pc}

Good job, Clang. With optimizations like these, who needs intrinsics?

However, just transcribing the sse4 seems much faster, even though it is doing
three 64-bit multiplies.

U64x2 goodmult(U64x2 top, U64x2 bot)
    U32x2 topHi = vshrn_n_u64(top, 32);      // U32x2 topHi   = top >> 32;
    U32x2 topLo = vmovn_u64(top);            // U32x2 topLo   = top & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    U32x2 botHi = vshrn_n_u64(bot, 32);      // U32x2 botHi   = bot >> 32;
    U32x2 botLo = vmovn_u64(bot);            // U32x2 botLo   = bot & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    U64x2 prod1 = vmull_u32(topHi, botLo);   // U64x2 prod1   = (U64x2)topHi * (U64x2)botLo;
    U64x2 prod2 = vmull_u32(topLo, botLo);   // U64x2 prod2   = (U64x2)topLo * (U64x2)botLo;
    U64x2 prod3 = vmull_u32(botHi, topLo);   // U64x2 prod3   = (U64x2)botHi * (U64x2)topLo;
          prod1 = vaddq_u64(prod1, prod3);   //       prod1  += prod3;
          prod1 = vshlq_n_u64(prod1, 32);    //       prod1 <<= 32;
    return vaddq_u64(prod1, prod2);          // return prod1 + prod2;

Right now my battery is low, so results fluctuate, but I've been getting some
good results. (Note: on 100,000 iters instead of 1,000,000, removed autovec)

nonvec: 1.217838, result: { 0x8d7a364399c05870, 0x0596b80877b2cf28 }
badmult: 1.727765, result: { 0x8d7a364399c05870, 0x0596b80877b2cf28 }
goodmult: 0.585781, result: { 0x8d7a364399c05870, 0x0596b80877b2cf28 }
goodmult_old: 0.732337, result: { 0x8d7a364399c05870, 0x0596b80877b2cf28 }
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Though yeah, the cost model is clearly not working properly, as you can see
from Clang literally ignoring my intrinsics.

The first version was literally translating the 64-bit multiply code generated
for a normal U64 with NEON instructions.

I also want to add that even if I used the inline asm for the mangled version,
it still was a tiny bit slower than the original.

#define goodmult(_top, _bot) ({ \
        U64x2 _output;\
asm("   vmovn.i64       d23, %[top]\n\
        vshrn.i64       d17, %[top], #32\n\
        vmovn.i64       d22, %[bot]\n\
        vshrn.i64       d18, %[bot], #32\n\
        vmull.u32       %[output], d23, d22\n\
        vshrn.i64       d16, %[top], #32\n\
        vmla.i32        d16, d23, d18\n\
        vmla.i32        d16, d17, d22\n\
        vmovl.u32       q12, d16\n\
        vsli.64         %[output], q12, #32\n" \
        : [output] "=w" (_output) \
        : [top] "w" (_top), [bot] "w" (_bot) \
        : "d16", "d17", "d18", "q10", "q12", "d20", "d21", "d22", "d23"); \
        _output; \

Was that or the SSE4 what you were suggesting, or am I missing something?
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
nonvec: 13.608231, result: { 0x044d11583f4213d6, 0x426931c6659c0d76 }
badmult: 21.227451, result: { 0x044d11583f4213d6, 0x426931c6659c0d76 }
goodmult_alt: 16.175385, result: { 0x044d11583f4213d6, 0x426931c6659c0d76 }
goodmult_sse: 9.651844, result: { 0x044d11583f4213d6, 0x426931c6659c0d76 }
goodmult_old: 12.094364, result: { 0x044d11583f4213d6, 0x426931c6659c0d76 }

Yeah, the one based on SSE is much faster.

The inline asm had a typo, it should be:

vshrn.i64       d16, %[output], #32\n\
Instead of
vshrn.i64       d16, %[top], #32\n\

But either way, it is too slow.
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Please file a separate bug for the multiply intrinsic issue; we shouldn't be
doing that.  (I'm guessing it's not related to the other issues here.)

I was thinking of something more like the following, which is a few
instructions shorter:

#include <arm_neon.h>
typedef int64x2_t U64x2;
typedef int32x2_t U32x2;
typedef int32x4_t U32x4;
U64x2 twomul(U64x2 top, U64x2 bot) {
        U32x2 d0 = vmovn_u64(top);
        U32x2 d2 = vmovn_u64(bot);
        U32x4 top_re = vreinterpretq_s32_u64(top);
        U32x4 bot_re = vrev64q_s32(vreinterpretq_s32_u64(bot));
        U32x4 prod = vmulq_u32(top_re, bot_re);
        U64x2 paired = vpaddlq_s32(prod);
        U64x2 shifted = vshlq_n_s64(paired, 32);
        return vmlal_s32(shifted, d0, d2);
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Ok, so Clang showed the error in my SSE version, and actually gave a proper
optimization using the accumulate instructions.

The main part is only four instructions.

U64x2 goodmult_sse(U64x2 top, U64x2 bot)
    U32x2 topHi = vshrn_n_u64(top, 32);     // U32x2 topHi  = top >> 32;
    U32x2 topLo = vmovn_u64(top);           // U32x2 topLo  = top & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    U32x2 botHi = vshrn_n_u64(bot, 32);     // U32x2 botHi  = bot >> 32;
    U32x2 botLo = vmovn_u64(bot);           // U32x2 botLo  = bot & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    U64x2 ret64 = vmull_u32(topHi, botLo);  // U64x2 ret64   = (U64x2)topHi * (U64x2)botLo;
    ret64 = vmlal_u32(ret64, botHi, topLo); //       ret64  += (U64x2)botHi * (U64x2)topLo;
    ret64 = vshlq_n_u64(ret64, 32);         //       ret64 <<= 32;
    ret64 = vmlal_u32(ret64, botLo, topLo); //       ret64  += (U64x2)botLo * (U64x2)topLo;
    return ret64;

One thing that would be a little more difficult to optimize but is a tiny bit
faster is this.

If clang can replace an vld1q_u64 with vld2_u32, it is even faster, as we can
just do this:

U64x2 goodmult_sse_interleaved2(const U32x2x2 top, const U32x2x2 bot)
    U64x2 ret64 = vmull_u32(top.val[1], bot.val[0]);  // U64x2 ret64   = (U64x2)topHi * (U64x2)botLo;
    ret64 = vmlal_u32(ret64, bot.val[1], top.val[0]); //       ret64  += (U64x2)botHi * (U64x2)topLo;
    ret64 = vshlq_n_u64(ret64, 32);                   //       ret64 <<= 32;
    ret64 = vmlal_u32(ret64, bot.val[0], top.val[0]); //       ret64  += (U64x2)botLo * (U64x2)topLo;
    return ret64;

Also, your version is a little slower than the SSE version after the changes.
It also gives a different result.

nonvec: 8.209048, result: { 0x84fb25d13f764255, 0xca365acbd8c3a25b }
badmult: 13.071927, result: { 0x84fb25d13f764255, 0xca365acbd8c3a25b }
twomul: 6.362965, result: { 0x2bb4402bb413a73a, 0x0632ed04715ebf8c }
goodmult_sse: 5.863495, result: { 0x84fb25d13f764255, 0xca365acbd8c3a25b }
goodmult_sse_interleaved: 5.234455, result: { 0x84fb25d13f764255,
0xca365acbd8c3a25b }
goodmult_old: 8.853989, result: { 0x84fb25d13f764255, 0xca365acbd8c3a25b }

By preinterleaving the constants and changing the vld1q_u64 in the loop to
vld2_u32, we only need one vmovn/vshrn, and it gives us a little over .5s
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago

Looking over my version, I think I accidentally used vmlal_s32 instead of vmlal_u32; that probably explains the correctness issue.

Interesting that twomul is slightly slower, but not a big deal either way, I guess. Probably sensitive to the latency/throughput of specific instructions. (I would guess vmulq_u32 is slow everywhere, but not sure about the other instructions).

For goodmult_sse, I think you could use vmul/vmla instead of vmull/vmlal for the first two multiplies, but it probably doesn't make much difference either way.

Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
0.4s slower with this base code, but might be fluctuation. (Haven't updated the

It might be carrying or register swapping.

U64x2 goodmult_sse_interleaved4(const U32x2x2 top, const U32x2x2 bot)
    U32x2 ret32 = vmul_u32(top.val[1], bot.val[0]);  // U64x2 ret64   = (U64x2)topHi * (U64x2)botLo;
    ret32 = vmla_u32(ret32, bot.val[1], top.val[0]); // ret64  += (U64x2)botHi * (U64x2)topLo;
    U64x2  ret64 = vshll_n_u32(ret32, 32);            //       ret64 <<= 32;
    ret64 = vmlal_u32(ret64, bot.val[0], top.val[0]); //       ret64  += (U64x2)botLo * (U64x2)topLo;
    return ret64;
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Actually, I looked it up, and vmla, vmlal, vmull, and vmul all have the same
timing, two cycles.

I did some calculations.

twomul: 9 cycles
goodmul_sse (0 interleaved): 11 cycles
goodmul_sse (1 interleaved): 9 cycles
goodmul_sse (2 interleaved): 7 cycles.

Also, I am not familiar with the codebase, but I have a theory that Clang
ignores the 1-cycle cost of vmov and assumes it is free.

Because if we ignore the vmov instructions in badmult, then we only use 6

        umull   r7, r5, r1, r0
        mla     r1, r1, r12, r5
        umull   r5, r4, r2, r3
        mla     r2, r2, lr, r4
        mla     r2, r6, r3, r2
        mla     r0, r4, r0, r1

Clang's weird decision to ignore my intrinsics makes sense if it ignores vmov.
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Filed bug 40032 to track the issue with vmla_u32 getting scalarized, which is
sort of orthogonal to the other issues here due to the way the optimization
passes interact.

There should be basically two tasks here: one, LowerMUL in
lib/Target/ARM/ARMISelLowering.cpp should be changed to emit the suggested
sequence instead of just falling back to scalarization using "return
SDValue();".  Two, ARMTTIImpl::getArithmeticInstrCost should be changed to
reflect the actual cost of various multiplies.

This is probably a straightforward task to pick up for someone new to LLVM, or
the ARM backend.
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago

I've opened a bug on GCC, it is here. I linked the GCC bug back to this thread as well.


Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
My new 2011 MacBook Pro came in with a quad core i7 and an SSD, and now I can
compile an x86 and ARM-only LLVM in reasonable time. My old MacBook literally
took overnight.

I was able to adapt the X86 code to ARM. Right now it is pretty basic, and it
doesn't understand masking, but I presume giving it the fix for that pmuludq
bug would work.
      if (VT == MVT::v2i64) {
        // One optimal way of doing an i64x2 is the exact same way as for SSE.
        // TODO: Implement the faster but less modular way, which is this...
        //    vmovn.i64  topLo, top           @ v2i64 topLo   = top & 0xFFFFFFFF;
        //    vmovn.i64  botLo, bot           @ v2i64 botLo   = bot & 0xFFFFFFFF;
        //                                    @ v4i32 bot32   = (v4i32) bot;
        //    vrev64.32  botRe, bot           @ v4i32 botRe   = (v4i32) { bot32[1], bot32[0], bot32[3], bot32[2] };
        //    vmul.i32   botRe, botRe, top    @       botRe  *= (v4i32) top;
        //    vpaddl.u32 botRe, botRe         @       top     = (v2i64) { (u64) botRe[0] + botRe[1], (u64) botRe[2] + botRe[3] }
        //    vshl.i64   top,   botRe, #32    @       top   <<= 32;
        //    vmlal.u32  top,   topLo, botLo  @       top    += (v2i64) topLo * (v2i64) botLo;
        // and make it so optimizations interleave loads for the first one to avoid vshrn/vmovn.
        SDLoc DL(Op);
        SDValue top = Op.getOperand(0);
        SDValue bot = Op.getOperand(1);
        KnownBits topKnown = DAG.computeKnownBits(top);
        KnownBits botKnown = DAG.computeKnownBits(bot);

        APInt LowerBitsMask = APInt::getLowBitsSet(64, 32);
        bool topLoIsZero = LowerBitsMask.isSubsetOf(topKnown.Zero);
        bool botLoIsZero = LowerBitsMask.isSubsetOf(botKnown.Zero);

        APInt UpperBitsMask = APInt::getHighBitsSet(64, 32);
        bool topHiIsZero = UpperBitsMask.isSubsetOf(topKnown.Zero);
        bool botHiIsZero = UpperBitsMask.isSubsetOf(botKnown.Zero);
        SDValue topLo = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, DL, MVT::v2i32, top);
        SDValue botLo = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, DL, MVT::v2i32, bot);

        SDValue c32 = DAG.getConstant(32, DL, MVT::i32);
        SDValue Zero = DAG.getConstant(0, DL, VT);

        SDValue topLoBotLo = Zero;
        if (!topLoIsZero && !botLoIsZero)
          topLoBotLo = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMULLu, DL, VT, topLo, botLo);

        // Don't go any further if we are only multiplying low bits.
        if (topHiIsZero && botHiIsZero)
          return topLoBotLo;

        SDValue topLoBotHi = Zero;
        if (!topLoIsZero && !botHiIsZero) {
          SDValue botHi = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, DL, MVT::v2i32,
                                      DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHRu, DL, VT, bot, c32));
          topLoBotHi = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMULLu, DL, VT, topLo, botHi);
        SDValue topHiBotLo = Zero;
        if (!topHiIsZero && !botLoIsZero) {
           SDValue topHi = DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, DL, MVT::v2i32,
                                        DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHRu, DL, VT, top, c32));
           topHiBotLo = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMULLu, DL, VT, topHi, botLo);

        // (optimized to vmlal.u32)
        SDValue Hi = DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT, topLoBotHi, topHiBotLo);
        Hi = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VSHL, DL, VT, Hi, c32);
        // (optimized to vmlal.u32)
        return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT, topLoBotLo, Hi);

That gives us the base version:

typedef unsigned long long U64x2 __attribute__((vector_size(16)));

U64x2 mult(U64x2 top, U64x2 bot)
    return top * bot;

    vshrn.i64       d20, q8, #32
    vmovn.i64       d21, q9
    vmovn.i64       d16, q8
    vmull.u32       q11, d21, d20
    vshrn.i64       d17, q9, #32
    vmlal.u32       q11, d17, d16
    vshl.i64        q9, q11, #32
    vmlal.u32       q9, d21, d16

We also reduce the multiplies when masked, but it does not remove the masking.

The goal is to at least have this

U64x2 mult_lo_lo(U64x2 top, U64x2 bot)
    return (top & 0xFFFFFFFF) * (bot & 0xFFFFFFFF);

always emit this:
    vmovn.i64      topLo, top
    vmovn.i64      botLo, bot
    vmull.u32      top, topLo, botLo

just like how it reliably generates pmuludq on x86.
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago
Currently, mult_lo_lo generates this:
    vmov.i64    q8, #0xffffffff
    vand        q9, q9, q8
    vand        q8, q10, q8
    vmovn.i64   d18, q9
    vmovn.i64   d16, q8
    vmull.u32   q8, d16, d18

I am presuming that this would generate the twomul code, but I don't know how
to get vpaddl (goes immediately after c32 is declared).

        if (!topLoIsZero && !botLoIsZero && !topHiIsZero && !botHiIsZero) {
          bot = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, MVT::v4i32, bot);
          bot = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VREV64, DL, MVT::v4i32, bot);
          top = DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, DL, MVT::v4i32, top);
          bot = DAG.getNode(ISD::UMULO, DL, MVT::v4i32, bot, top);
          top = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VPADDLu, DL, MVT::v2i64, bot); // pseudocode
          top = DAG.getNode(ISD::SHL, DL, VT, top, c32);
          topLo = DAG.getNode(ARMISD::VMULLu, DL, VT, topLo, botLo);
          return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT, top, topLo);
Quuxplusone commented 5 years ago

My patch so far: https://reviews.llvm.org/D56118