Quuxplusone / LLVMBugzillaTest

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Unclear documentation of -gline* options #51557

Open Quuxplusone opened 2 years ago

Quuxplusone commented 2 years ago
Bugzilla Link PR52590
Status NEW
Importance P normal
Reported by JVApen (jvapen@gmail.com)
Reported on 2021-11-23 05:44:12 -0800
Last modified on 2021-11-23 06:15:51 -0800
Version trunk
Hardware PC Windows NT
CC htmldeveloper@gmail.com, jdevlieghere@apple.com, keith.walker@arm.com, llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org, neeilans@live.com, paul_robinson@playstation.sony.com, richard-llvm@metafoo.co.uk
Fixed by commit(s)
Blocked by
See also
On https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#id9 it mentions the following
command line options:
 -gline-directives-only  Emit debug line info directives only
 -gline-tables-only      Emit debug line number tables only

These options might be obvious if you have a thorough understanding of how
debug info is being stored. Though, I don't.
A quick google search for this doesn't give any helpful hints either:

My understanding from -gline-tables-only: Emit debug info that allows the
debugger to show the source code line linked to the stack frame. No information
about variables is available.

However, for the -gline-directives-only I don't understand what it does and
what the difference is with the other option.

Can this be clarified?
Quuxplusone commented 2 years ago

Modified the summary line to be clearer about what was unclear. :)

Will redirect this to DebugInfo so the relevant folks will be cc'd.