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Signless Types For LLVM #950

Closed Quuxplusone closed 14 years ago

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Bugzilla Link PR950
Importance P enhancement
Reported by Reid Spencer (rspencer@reidspencer.com)
Reported on 2006-10-17 10:52:04 -0700
Last modified on 2010-02-22 12:50:35 -0800
Version trunk
Hardware All All
CC clattner@nondot.org, llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org, zhousheng00@gmail.com
Fixed by commit(s)
Blocked by
See also
Despite our best attempts, the LLVM type system somehow ended up too
high-level.  No! How can it be so?  Let me tell you.

The LLVM primitive integer types maintain a distinction between signed
and unsigned, when all we really want to know is the size of the data.  This
extra information bloats the .bc files and in-memory IR with "noop" casts
(like int -> uint) and causes there to be redundancy in the LLVM language.
This redundancy in the language currently leads to horrible missed optimization
opportunities (particular in the indvars pass), but can even miss trivial
cases (i.e. not CSE'ing  (X+4) with ((unsigned)X + 4), which produce the same
value).  Another annoying thing is that 'int 1' and 'uint 1' both need to be
written out to the .bc file, which is more duplication and takes space.

As a side note, we also have three trivial bits of ugliness:
  1. we have an "SByte" type, but none of the other signed types are prefixed
     with S.
  2. Using C names like "int" and "long" make people think that LLVM types
     vary in size like C types do, depending on the target.
  3. Using all C names leads people think our type system is the same as C's,
     which is obviously untrue, but still people think that.

You can read more about this feature in Chris Lattner's LLVM Notes, at

Since this is a fairly extensive change to LLVM, this bug will be used to track
the progress of the work as it proceeds.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Basic Work Plan:

Each item below will be considered an iteration. An iteration consists of making
a small(ish) change across llvm and llvm-gcc4 and testing it with llvm-test and
deja-gnu. Development of new test cases will also occur as the instructions are

The iterations planned are the following (in roughly this order):

1. Remove ConstantSInt and ConstantUInt from LLVM by merging their capabilities
   in to ConstantInt.
2. Convert REM -> UREM, SREM. This makes the remainder instruction signed.
3. Convert DIV -> UDIV, SDIV. This makes the division instruction signed.
4. Convert SHR -> ASHR, LSHR. Deal with sign-extension in shift right.
5. Convert Cast -> TRUNC. Find all the truncating casts and convert them to
   use a new TRUNC instruction.
6. Convert Cast -> ZEXT. Find all the zero-extend casts and convert them to
   use a new ZEXT instruction.
7. Convert Cast -> SEXT. Find all the sign-extend casts and convert them to
   use a new SEXT instruction.
8. Convert Cast -> FPEXT. Find all FP casts of smaller to larger size and
   convert them to FPEXT instruction.
9. Convert Cast -> FPTRUNC. Find all FP casts of larger to smaller size and
   convert them to FPTRUNC instruction.
10. Convert remaining Casts to BITCONVERT instruction. This will bitwise
    convert a value of one type to another. Types must be the same bit width.
    The semantics are similar to a C cast or a C++ reinterpret_cast. That is,
    its as if the first operand was stored in memory and then read back through
    a pointer of the desired type.
11. Adjust the setcc instruction to differentiate between signed and unsigned
    operands. Also make the setcc opcode fixed instead of adjustable and
    implement the corresponding simplifications in BinaryOperator and
    SetCondInst classes. After this change, the setcc operand would be a normal
    BinaryOperator like any other with a single op code (Instruction::SetCC).
    The SetCondInst class would retain a small bit of data to indicate the kind
    of comparison to be performed instead of using the opcode for this purpose.
13. Adjust existing LLVM passes that pattern match for signedness (casts,
    specific integer types) to work without signed types but with signed
    instructions instead. Given the previous changes, there shouldn't be much.
13. Replace SByte/UByte with Int8. This is just a renaming.
13. Replace Short/UShort with Int16.
14. Replace Int/UInt with Int32.
15. Replace Long/ULong with Int64.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
For the SETCC instruction, we envision using a 4-bit code to specify the
condition. The codes, mneumonics and semantics are described in the table below.

ULGE  Mneumonic Semantics Description
0000  setfalse  Always returns false
0001  seteq     Returns true iff first operand is == second operand
0010  setgt     Returns true iff first operand is >  second operand
0011  setge     Returns true iff first operand is >= second operand
0100  setlt     Returns true iff first operand is <  second operand
0101  setle     Returns true iff first operand is <= second operand
0110  setne     Returns true iff first operand is != second operand
0111  setnuo    Returns true if neither operand is unordered
1000  setuo     Returns true if either operand is unordered
1001  setueq    Returns true if either operand is unordered or they are equal
1010  setug     Returns true if either operand is unordered or first operand
                is greater than second operand
1011  setuge    Returns true if either operand is unordered or first operand
                is greater than or equal to second operand
1100  setult    Returns true if either operand is unordered or first operand
                is less than second operand
1101  setule    Returns true if either operand is unordered or first operand
                is less than or equal to second operand
1110  setune    Returns true if either operand is unordered or first operand
                is not equal to second operand
1111  settrue   Always returns true.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago

please consider using the table from SelectionDAGNodes.h, which is more complete.


Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
The table suggested by Chris is:

The bit mnemonics are:
  N = No Care: undefined if either input is a nan.
  U = Unordered
  L = Less
  G = Greater
  E = Equal

NULGE  Opcode     Description
00000  SETFALSE   Always false
00001  SETOEQ     True if ordered and equal
00010  SETOGT     True if ordered and greater than
00011  SETOGE     True if ordered and greater than or equal
00100  SETOLT     True if ordered and less than
00101  SETOLE     True if ordered and less than or equal
00110  SETONE     True if ordered and operands are unequal
00111  SETO       True if ordered (no nans)
01000  SETUO      True if unordered: isnan(X) | isnan(Y)
01001  SETUEQ     True if unordered or equal
01010  SETUGT     True if unordered or greater than
01011  SETUGE     True if unordered, greater than, or equal
01100  SETULT     True if unordered or less than
01101  SETULE     True if unordered, less than, or equal
01110  SETUNE     True if unordered or not equal
01111  SETTRUE    Always true (always folded)
1X000  SETFALSE2  Always false (always folded)
1X001  SETEQ      True if equal
1X010  SETGT      True if greater than
1X011  SETGE      True if greater than or equal
1X100  SETLT      True if less than
1X101  SETLE      True if less than or equal
1X110  SETNE      True if not equal
1X111  SETTRUE2   Always true (always folded)
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Another idea: It probably makes sense to split integer setcc and fp setcc,
particularly if you're going to do
that with the other operations.  This would give us 'setcc' and 'fsetcc' or

One particularly nice aspect of this is that you can have different enums for
the integer/fp setcc's, so that
the extraneous enum values for the integer setcc don't need to be there.

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
That's a good idea. So we would end up with two tables, like this:

For Floating Point SetCC (FSETCC):

NULGE  Opcode     Description
00000  SETFALSE   Always false
00001  SETOEQ     True if ordered and equal
00010  SETOGT     True if ordered and greater than
00011  SETOGE     True if ordered and greater than or equal
00100  SETOLT     True if ordered and less than
00101  SETOLE     True if ordered and less than or equal
00110  SETONE     True if ordered and operands are unequal
00111  SETO       True if ordered (no nans)
01000  SETUO      True if unordered: isnan(X) | isnan(Y)
01001  SETUEQ     True if unordered or equal
01010  SETUGT     True if unordered or greater than
01011  SETUGE     True if unordered, greater than, or equal
01100  SETULT     True if unordered or less than
01101  SETULE     True if unordered, less than, or equal
01110  SETUNE     True if unordered or not equal
01111  SETTRUE    Always true (always folded)

For Integer SetCC (SETCC):

LGE  OpCode    Description
000  SETFALSE  Always false (always folded)
001  SETEQ     True if equal
010  SETGT     True if greater than
011  SETGE     True if greater than or equal
100  SETLT     True if less than
101  SETLE     True if less than or equal
110  SETNE     True if not equal
111  SETTRUE   Always true (always folded)
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago

The integer table is right. The FP table wants to keep the 'undefined on unordered' bit though.


Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Chris Wrote:
> The FP table wants to keep the 'undefined on unordered' bit though.

I don't understand. All the bits from the original table and the revised table
are the same. The only thing that changed was the integer table which you
indicated was correct.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
you dropped:

1X001  SETEQ      True if equal
1X010  SETGT      True if greater than
1X011  SETGE      True if greater than or equal
1X100  SETLT      True if less than
1X101  SETLE      True if less than or equal
1X110  SETNE      True if not equal
1X111  SETTRUE2   Always true (always folded)

from the fp table.

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Ah, right, I was thinking we'd just use the integer codes for those cases but
they overlap with the FP codes. Thanks for the clarification.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Another (potentially better) approach would be to start the flagging: add a
flag to fsetcc that indicates that
the operands are known to not be nan's.

Actually, in retrospect, I think that starting small is the right way to go.
Right now we have no way (at the
llvm level) of saying that a comparison cannot have nan operands.  As such,
sticking with the truncated
table you proposed makes sense.  We can extend the model later as a second step.

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Some proposals for the setcc instructions:

1. The name of these instructions is misleading. There is no "condition code"
   register in llvm to set. While that hardward construct is common, these
   instructions *return* the condition code as a boolean value. In keeping with
   what it does, I suggest we change the mnemonic to "cmp" which more accurately
   describes what the instruction does: compare values.

2. We will need 3 cmp instructions:
     ucmp (treats operands as unsigned int)
     scmp (treats operands as signed int)
     fcmp (operands must be floating point)

Make sense? Comments?
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
>1. The name of these instructions is misleading. There is no "condition code"
> register in llvm to set.

Right, but the names of the mneumonics are things like "setlt", which sets the
results based on a lt
comparison, and makes no mention of condition codes.

>  While that hardward construct is common, these
 >  instructions *return* the condition code as a boolean value. In keeping with
>   what it does, I suggest we change the mnemonic to "cmp" which more
 >  describes what the instruction does: compare values.

I don't see this as being a big win, do you?

> 2. We will need 3 cmp instructions:
>     ucmp (treats operands as unsigned int)
>     scmp (treats operands as signed int)
>     fcmp (operands must be floating point)

I think we need two, fset<cond> and iset<cond> (where cond is internally
represented as flags, not as
the opcode).  Splitting ucmp/scmp opens up questions of where ==/!= should
belong (because they
don't care about sign), and changing one to the other is less efficient than
just changing some flags.

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
Note that the spec for vsetint and vsetfp (vector comparisons, returning a
vector of bools), uses condition
codes that are identical to what Chris is proposing now.  In particular, (1)
there's only one "integer
comparison" instruction, so there are both signed and unsigned comparison
codes; and (2) there are six
additional "don't care if ordered" fp condition codes.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
New GEP Rules:

1. Sequential type indices may be (signless) integer of any size.
2. Sequential type indices will be sign extended to 64-bits.
2. Struct type indices may only be 32-bit integer constants.
4. Struct type indices will be treated as unsigned always.
5. Bytecode reader will upgrade old GEP instructions that use unsigned integer
   non-constant indices by inserting an explicit ZExt cast to 64-bits before
   the GEP. If the constant is already 64-bits no cast is inserted.
6. The Assembly reader will similarly upgrade old GEP instructions using
   unsigned non-constant indices.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
New Plan for bc/asm upgrade:

Due to the signless types changes necessary to auto-upgrade bc and asm files to
the 2.0 constructs and rules, we've decided that it would be better to create a
separate tool, llvm-upgrade, to convert 1.X asm into 2.0 asm. It would be used
like this:

llvm-dis1.9 < 1.9.bc | llvm-upgrade | llvm-as2.0 > 2.0.bc

This avoids any need to provide backwards compatibility code in 2.0 in either
the asmparser or the bcreader allowing them to be re-written more easily.
Furthermore, it places all the upgrade things into a single tool instead of
spreading them into both the asmparser and the bcreader.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
We have a conflict with the YACC Grammar for ULT/ULE/UGT/UGE. The current
definition uses these symbols with both the fcmp and icmp instructions (one is
with U=unsigned, the other U=unordered). While this isn't a problem for humans,
it is a problem for bison.

Consequently, I'm going to leave ULT/ULE/UGT/UGE for ICMP with "unsigned"

For FCMP, we'll use two prefixes: ORD  and UNO so we would have:

This should be clear enough for both humans and bison.

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
hrm?  It shouldn't be ambiguous, you just need to factor the grammar right.
What are the relevant
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
There may be ways around it, but I"d rather avoid the ambiguity. The question
arises, in these cases:

icmp ult ...
fcmp ult ...

either of those could be in error depending on the operands and it isn't clear
whether its the opcode or the predicate that's in error.

I'd rather have the predicates be non-overlapping. If you have alternative
names, I'm open to it as long as they don't overlap.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago

Again, there should be no ambiguity.

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago
The disambiguation has been moved to the parser from the lexer. The predicate
mnemonics have been restored to the 3-letter codes originally planned.
Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago

is this done?

Quuxplusone commented 17 years ago

This has been implemented.