Qvin0000 / ExileApi

My version of PoeHud
119 stars 73 forks source link

When I start program I take Errors can you help me ? #77

Open bydarkinq opened 4 years ago

bydarkinq commented 4 years ago

2019-10-07 22:17:04.089 +03:00 [Error] Core constructor -> System.IO.IOException: Unable to open file Shaders\ImGuiVertexShader.hlsl konum: SharpDX.IO.NativeFileStream..ctor(String fileName, NativeFileMode fileMode, NativeFileAccess access, NativeFileShare share) C:\projects\sharpdx\Source\SharpDX\IO\NativeFileStream.cs içinde: satır 90 konum: SharpDX.IO.NativeFile.ReadAllText(String path, Encoding encoding, NativeFileShare sharing) C:\projects\sharpdx\Source\SharpDX\IO\NativeFile.cs içinde: satır 109 konum: SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(String fileName, String entryPoint, String profile, ShaderFlags shaderFlags, EffectFlags effectFlags, ShaderMacro[] defines, Include include) C:\projects\sharpdx\Source\SharpDX.D3DCompiler\ShaderBytecode.cs içinde: satır 473 konum: ExileCore.RenderQ.ImGuiRender..ctor(DX11 dx11, RenderForm form, CoreSettings coreSettings) E:\poehud\ExileApi-master\ExileApi-master\Core\RenderQ\ImGuiRender.cs içinde: satır 73 konum: ExileCore.RenderQ.DX11..ctor(RenderForm form, CoreSettings coreSettings) E:\poehud\ExileApi-master\ExileApi-master\Core\RenderQ\DX11.cs içinde: satır 85 konum: ExileCore.Core..ctor(RenderForm form) E:\poehud\ExileApi-master\ExileApi-master\Core\Core.cs içinde: satır 99 2019-10-07 22:17:36.900 +03:00 [Information] --------------- Close hud at 7.10.2019 22:17:36 ---------------

jorgelpjr commented 4 years ago

Sir i can help-u to solve this, but u will need contact-me on discord... JorgeLPJ


verreaultfrank commented 4 years ago

I just got this problem, in my case it was only a location problem.

TehCheat commented 4 years ago

This code hasn't been updated in 6 months.

verreaultfrank commented 4 years ago

In fact I used your repo about 6 months ago : https://github.com/TehCheat/PoEHUD. I trained a neural network only with the minimap as an Input and used a raging spirit build. But it was right during an update and the project stop working so I couldn't test my work with the right input for the nn. The input imagesd were missing the monster so my bot only did random movements even if I trained him to attack too.

Do you know if there is an alive poeHUD project atm? (I know again right at the begining of a league...)