QwenLM / Qwen2-VL

Qwen2-VL is the multimodal large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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transformers版本问题 #84

Open GenuineWWD opened 3 weeks ago

GenuineWWD commented 3 weeks ago

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'transformers<4.45,>=4.33' distribution was not found and is required by ms-swift 我用swift微调qwen2vl运行报了这个版本错误,但是我是用指南中的pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git安装的transformers,安装的是transformers==4.45.0.dev0,swift代码是刚pull下来的最新的

Jolguig commented 3 weeks ago

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