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[🐞] Duplicate implementations of JSXNode Errors in RC, v0.103 #3883

Open n8sabes opened 1 year ago

n8sabes commented 1 year ago

Which component is affected?

Qwik Runtime

Describe the bug

I'm getting QWIK WARN Duplicate implementations of "JSXNode" found warnings when using Qwik Styled Vanilla Extract.

This happens with RC1 Starter, following Integration Docs. Please see Loom Example, if needed.

Also, with v1.0 around the corner, there are open PRs and Issues with styled-vanilla-extract that should get a little love since it's listed in the official documentation integrations section.

Cc: @manucorporat, @wmertens



Steps to reproduce

pnpm create qwik@latest
pnpm qwik add styled-vanilla-extract
pnpm dev

System Info

    OS: macOS 13.3.1
    CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1
    Memory: 65.23 MB / 16.00 GB
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 20.0.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.0.0/bin/node
    npm: 8.19.2 - /opt/homebrew/bin/npm
    Chrome: 112.0.5615.137
    Firefox Developer Edition: 111.0
    Safari: 16.4
    @builder.io/qwik: 0.103.0 => 0.103.0
    @builder.io/qwik-city: ~0.103.0 => 0.103.0
    undici: 5.21.2 => 5.21.2
    vite: 4.2.2 => 4.2.2

Additional Information

No response

brandiqa commented 1 year ago

I've come across this issue in v1.1.1 and v1.0.0. when using the library @qwikest/icons

NiklasPor commented 1 year ago

FYI @n8sabes , I've managed to "fix" this by merging all my original entry points into a single one. But after this the qwik compiler is too heavy for my machine and the build fails because it runs out of heap (~about 24k qwik components)

wmertens commented 1 year ago

@NiklasPor do you really need component$s? Or could lite components suffice?

Then maybe you can skip the build step and just export functions that call jsx?

NiklasPor commented 1 year ago

Hm, about one third of the components use a context hook and if I remember correctly they don't work in lite / inline components. I'll consider throwing away the feature which uses the context, so that I atleast can publish a stable version 👍

Still I think it would be great if we could maybe reach a point in the future, where it's possible to add multiple entrypoints, just like with a regular vite config / js package. A lot of large packages in the JS ecosystem use the functionality. Probably a possibility for later point on some roadmap 👀

wmertens commented 1 year ago

You could also only build one lite and one regular component and use those as templates for the rest

NiklasPor commented 1 year ago

Lite components seem to work fine. Just in dev mode (vite --mode ssr) no tree-shaking is happening, so on the first user interaction with one of the lite components all of the JS loaded. Preview mode tree-shaking works and performance is superb as always 😁

NiklasPor commented 1 year ago

Alright, so the icon package now works with multiple entrypoints + only lite components – but the warning is now back that I'm using multiple entrypoints. Thanks for the suggestions @wmertens

hbendev commented 1 year ago

The warning is still there when using @qwikest/icons 0.0.8 together with qwik 1.1.0 or qwik 1.1.4 and using import { HiXY } from "@qwikest/icons/heroicons".

chempogonzalez commented 1 year ago

Hi! I have seen the workaround commited from @kisaragi-hiu referencing this issue but it removes completely all errors thrown to the shell.

As a temporal workaround to avoid the noise caused using @qwikest/icons with all these warnings in console, I'm using the following script on top of the entry.ssr.tsx. By this way we don't loose other console outputs. I hope it helps you @hbendev :)

// entry.ssr.tsx
import { isDev } from '@builder.io/qwik/build'

if (isDev) {
  const consoleWarn = console.warn
  const SUPPRESSED_WARNINGS = ['Duplicate implementations of "JSXNode" found']

  console.warn = function filterWarnings (msg, ...args) {
    if (!SUPPRESSED_WARNINGS.some(entry => msg.includes(entry) || args.some(arg => arg.includes(entry))))
      consoleWarn(msg, ...args)
noc2spam commented 1 year ago

Hi! I have seen the workaround commited from @kisaragi-hiu referencing this issue but it removes completely all errors thrown to the shell.

As a temporal workaround to avoid the noise caused using @qwikest/icons with all these warnings in console, I'm using the following script on top of the entry.ssr.tsx. By this way we don't loose other console outputs. I hope it helps you @hbendev :)

// entry.ssr.tsx
import { isDev } from '@builder.io/qwik/build'

if (isDev) {
  const consoleWarn = console.warn
  const SUPPRESSED_WARNINGS = ['Duplicate implementations of "JSXNode" found']

  console.warn = function filterWarnings (msg, ...args) {
    if (!SUPPRESSED_WARNINGS.some(entry => msg.includes(entry) || args.some(arg => arg.includes(entry))))
      consoleWarn(msg, ...args)

Works fine, thank you. :)

However, I guess solving the problem actually would be a better solution at the end of the day. :)

wmertens commented 1 year ago

I'd like to add that it seems like the error is harmless in the case of the icons package, but it can lead to actual things not working, see #4436

NiklasPor commented 1 year ago

I'd like to add that it seems like the error is harmless in the case of the icons package, but it can lead to actual things not working, see #4436

I very strongly second this, the only reasons the icons package is working, is that I'm not using any component$ inside there, but instead use regular function components / lite components. Otherwise the package would break during server side rendering afaik.

If I'd need to guess, the reason seems to be connected to the multiple entrypoints. Probably qwik is only perprocessing specfic entrypoints?

Mo0nbase commented 10 months ago

Has there been any progress on this issue? I currently cannot use the icons package because It is breaking parts of my app.

mhevery commented 10 months ago

So this error means that Vite has somehow packaged up the JSX code twice! And this is an early error so that you don't go nuts later with strange behavior.... So if you see this error, the question you should be asking is why are there two copies of JSX implementation in the system. This is not an issue with Qwik, but rather how you have the vite configured....

If someone can give me a simple reproduction that you think should be fixed, I will look into it.

wmertens commented 10 months ago

@mhevery I posted a repro in #4436, https://stackblitz.com/edit/qwik-starter-wadzsa?file=src/routes/index.tsx

it happens in dev mode too, and it breaks in production. Qwik is definitely packaged only once. The error indicates that the JSXNodeImpl class is instantiated twice, but I can't figure out how.

NiklasPor commented 10 months ago

@mhevery I posted a repro in #4436, https://stackblitz.com/edit/qwik-starter-wadzsa?file=src/routes/index.tsx

it happens in dev mode too, and it breaks in production. Qwik is definitely packaged only once. The error indicates that the JSXNodeImpl class is instantiated twice, but I can't figure out how.

I'm pretty sure this happens, because you also use multiple named exports in the package.json. With @qwikest/icons I did not get any issues when I merged all code behind a single default export (sadly this wasn't an option for the package).

Maybe there's something hardcoded in Qwik which looks exactly for an entrypoint . like mentioned in the qwik lib docs?

    ".": {
      "import": "./lib/index.qwik.mjs",
      "require": "./lib/index.qwik.cjs",
      "types": "./lib-types/index.d.ts"

The docs also impose some restrictions on how the file must be named:

The file must be called with the .qwik.mjs extension, otherwise the Qwik Optimizer will not recognize it.

In styled-vanilla-extract it looks like this:

    "./qwik": {
      "import": "./lib/index.js",
      "require": "./lib/index.cjs",
      "types": "./lib-types/index.d.ts"
    "./vite": {
      "import": "./lib/vite.js",
      "require": "./lib/vite.cjs",
      "types": "./lib-types/vite.d.ts"
    "./qwik-styled": {
      "import": "./lib/qwik-styled.js",
      "require": "./lib/qwik-styled.cjs"
    "./package.json": "./package.json"

I would love it if we get to support multi-entrypoint packages.

wmertens commented 10 months ago

@NiklasPor well you just solved why qwik-ui doesn't work :sweat_smile: cc @shairez

I'll see if I can fix styled-vanilla-extract.

I'm assuming the duplicated JSXNodeImpl is because of the optimizer bundling it directly and then vite bundling it separately where it wasn't done by the optimizer.

If so, the optimizer could instead look at the imports and see if qwik is imported instead of only relying on the filename

NiklasPor commented 10 months ago

Always happy to help, I'd love it when we get the packages to work without problems – kinda important for the ecosystem 😁

wmertens commented 10 months ago

I upgraded the repro to latest everything and built styled-vanilla-extract with .qwik.mjs extensions, but it didn't help.


wmertens commented 10 months ago

I figured it out. In the repro above I added console.log(new Error('loading qwik [prod] [mjs|cjs]')) in the node_modules qwik core files, and indeed qwik gets loaded multiple times.

What happens is: Vanilla-extract runs the css.ts files at build time and generates a file that imports styled-vanilla-extract/qwik-styled which in turn imports qwik. https://github.com/wmertens/styled-vanilla-extract/blob/4f03da0fc8d53d2f6bd19a52e523c4c7f30571ee/src/ve-style.ts#L44

This generated import doesn't get bundled by vite. You can see it at the top of server/entry.preview.mjs:

import { styled } from "styled-vanilla-extract/qwik-styled";

I added the vite inspect plugin to the repro so you can see all the transforms. Everything seems correct, but the dev build does import core.prod.mjs even though I can't find what imports it.

For dev mode, I assume the same thing is happening.

So the problem is either:

I think it would be safer if the server build did not bundle qwik

wmertens commented 10 months ago

BTW @NiklasPor not that it seems to make a difference, but your package.json does not include the "qwik" exports which the docs say are required. (your file naming is ok)

wmertens commented 10 months ago

Ok I solved it.

This is what happens:

So by having a key "qwik" at the root of your package.json, it will be bundled into the ssr build, which fixes the duplicate jsxnode.

This is somewhat documented, so it's a matter of making it more clear.

Ideally, the node_modules qwik is somehow poisoned with an error so that it can be caught and corrected easily.

I do think it's a bit confusing to have the "qwik" property be required and it not seemingly doing anything. It's also not documented what it needs to point to - what if you have multiple entry points for qwik code?

So @NiklasPor add the "qwik" attribute to your package.

@mhevery @manucorporat what should the "qwik" attribute point at, exactly? And how to make it easier to discover that ".qwik.js" wasn't generated or that the "qwik" attribute is missing?

NiklasPor commented 10 months ago

Awesome @wmertens, I'll check If I can finally fix the package with this! 😅

NiklasPor commented 10 months ago

@wmertens Seems like my local testing everything went fine with this, can't believe that this small thing made the change 🤯 I'll check if it works with the community, thanks a lot ❤️ 0.0.9 of @qwikest/icons includes the change, I'm just pointing to an empty entrypoint 😆

mhevery commented 9 months ago

@mhevery @manucorporat what should the "qwik" attribute point at, exactly? And how to make it easier to discover that ".qwik.js" wasn't generated or that the "qwik" attribute is missing?

Maybe I am misunderstanding the question, but I think the package.json should just be

  "qwik": true
mhevery commented 9 months ago

+1 to better document this. Also maybe add a section to the documentation explaining a common failure mode and then update the error with a pointer to the documentation saying maybe this is what is going on? Any chance @wmertens or someone could create a PR for that? Please 🍒 on top?

wmertens commented 9 months ago

Maybe I am misunderstanding the question, but I think the package.json should just be

  "qwik": true

I did try that but it complains somewhere. It expects a string. Presumably it's used elsewhere, the vendorIds just use it as a truthy value.

mhevery commented 9 months ago

What is the error?

mhevery commented 9 months ago


I think the code is here: https://github.com/BuilderIO/qwik/blob/main/packages/qwik/src/optimizer/src/plugins/vite.ts#L704 And the correct value should be a pointer to the MJS file: "qwik": "./lib/index.qwik.mjs",

wmertens commented 9 months ago

What is the error?

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "paths[1]" argument must be of type string. Received type boolean (true)
    at __node_internal_ (https://qwikstarter8kdqva-clg3.w-credentialless.staticblitz.com/blitz.5e765aa0.js:36:5410)
    at new <anonymous> (https://qwikstarter8kdqva-clg3.w-credentialless.staticblitz.com/blitz.5e765aa0.js:36:4172)
    at validateString (https://qwikstarter8kdqva-clg3.w-credentialless.staticblitz.com/blitz.5e765aa0.js:38:1232)
    at Object.resolve (https://qwikstarter8kdqva-clg3.w-credentialless.staticblitz.com/blitz.5e765aa0.js:44:7412)
    at eval (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/@builder.io/qwik/optimizer.cjs:3445:34)
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at findQwikRoots (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/@builder.io/qwik/optimizer.cjs:3438:37)
    at async config (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/@builder.io/qwik/optimizer.cjs:3073:49)
    at async runConfigHook (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-df561101.js:66324:25)
    at async resolveConfig (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-df561101.js:65767:14)
    at async _createServer (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-df561101.js:65011:20)
    at async CAC.eval (file:///home/projects/qwik-starter-8kdqva/node_modules/vite/dist/node/cli.js:758:24) {

...which is indeed inside the code you point at.

And the vendorRoots are used by the optimizer as input file: https://github.com/BuilderIO/qwik/blob/92b77bbe4dbbe623f26dcaf3165e3e1940b6b4af/packages/qwik/src/optimizer/src/optimizer.ts#L68

So it should be a single root file that encompasses all qwik code. Would be nicer as an array.

mhevery commented 9 months ago

Would be nicer as an array.

😁 PR ?