Qytera-Gmbh / QTAF

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Test case is still considered successful in the pipeline of Jenkins even by failed steps #311

Open ValeriusSchmidt opened 2 months ago

ValeriusSchmidt commented 2 months ago

Jenkins Log erfolgreicher Konsolen Output

First encounter: Testcase 1386

Method that causes this behaviour in Jenkins: Under notifications, where a list of all pop-up messages is stored

Steps to reproduce

  1. Write a test with @Test annotation that includes expectNotificationTextToContainList("Enter your message(s) here") //Be aware that you need a test which triggeres multiple pop-up windows in a short timeframe
  2. Execute the test using: mvn test
  3. Observe BUILD SUCCESS instead of BUILD FAILURE even though the log contains Test failure or Step failure
OliverHoenig commented 1 month ago

After a one-to-one session with Valerius, the issue could be abstracted as follows:

Within the test case, assertTrue (from QTAF) was called in one step. This step of the test case fails. The following anomalies were found:

It is also not clear whether this is a QTAF bug or whether configurations in the pipeline cause side effects that lead to this behaviour.

The behaviour is now being analysed.

OliverHoenig commented 1 month ago

I have tried to generalise the scenario in which the suspected bug might occur. Here is the class which contains steps:

package de.qytera.tests.issue311;

import de.qytera.qtaf.core.guice.annotations.Step;
import de.qytera.qtaf.testng.context.QtafTestNGContext;

public class DummySteps extends QtafTestNGContext {
            name="dummy Step",
            description = "dummy step for mocking the behavior of issue 311"
    public void trueDummyStep() {
        assertTrue(true, "Step should be true");
    public void falseDummyStep() {
        assertTrue(false, "Step should be true");

And a here the used test class:

package de.qytera.tests.issue311;

import de.qytera.qtaf.core.config.annotations.TestFeature;
import de.qytera.qtaf.testng.context.QtafTestNGContext;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

        name = "TestCase One",
        description = "First test"
public class Issue311Test extends QtafTestNGContext {

    @Test(testName  = "simplifiedBugScenario", description = "most abstracted scenario the bug could potential occur")
    public void simplifiedBugScenario(){
        DummySteps dummySteps = load(DummySteps.class);

I could not reproduce the bug locally on my device. However, the execution of the above testcase (simplifiedBugScenario()) resulted in a NullPointerException when the test was executed in your project. Remarkably, only if dummySteps.falseDummyStep() was called and not if dummySteps.trueDummyStep() gets called instead in the test case.

There seems to be a NullPointerException in your HtmlDumpSubscriber, which implements IEvenetSubscriber. Inside the method getHtmlDumpDestitnationPath() the following line leads to the following exception:

String name = stepExecutionInfo.getMethodInvocation().getMethod().getName();

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation.getMethod()" because the return value of "de.qytera.qtaf.core.guice.invokation.StepExecutionInfo.getMethodInvocation()" is null

ValeriusSchmidt commented 1 month ago

To reproduce this behaviour in the pipeline I created a new branch "AssertTestBranch" (without quotes). The test target of reproduction is testcase 1386.