R-ArcGIS / arcgislayers

ArcGIS Location Services
Apache License 2.0
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Error when `supportsPagination` advanced query option is `FALSE` #191

Closed elipousson closed 1 week ago

elipousson commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I stumbled across a URL that errors when the supportsPagination advanced query option is FALSE. Unsure why the server is set up this way or if this worked with earlier versions of arcgislayers or arcgisutils.

To Reproduce


url <- "https://geodata.baltimorecity.gov/egis/rest/services/Planning/Bike_Master_Plan/MapServer/3"

layer <- arc_open(url)

#> Warning in arc_select(layer): Status code: 400
#> Error: Pagination is not supported.
#> Error in `rlang::set_names()`:
#> ! `x` must be a vector

Created on 2024-06-21 with reprex v2.1.0

Expected behavior

Expect selecting the data to be allowed even if pagination is not permitted. If not, a more informative error message would be helpful.