R-ArcGIS / r-bridge-install

Install the R ArcGIS Tools
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Trouble install R-bridge-install with ArcMAP 10.6.3 #78

Closed emsa999 closed 3 years ago

emsa999 commented 5 years ago


After following instruction on the github page, I received the error message when I try to install the R bindings: Executing: InstallBindings true 3.5.1 Start Time: Tue Oct 9 13:14:31 2018 Running script InstallBindings... Saving URL to 'c:\users\emsa\appdata\local\temp\arca747\tmpgzufk2\arcgisbinding_1.0.1.232.zip' Rcmd.exe INSTALL c:\users\emsa\appdata\local\temp\arca747\tmpgzufk2\arcgisbinding_1.0.1.232.zip

I've also tried with arcgisbinding_1.0.1.230.zip since I've read it is for R 3.5, but it has failed too. I am using R3.5.1 i386 (32-bit) as my platform.

scw commented 5 years ago

@emsa999 Thanks for reporting your issue. It looks like either this installer isn't picking up your per-user packages directory, or one doesn't exist, can you navigate to C:\emsa\Documents\R\win-library\3.5 in File Explorer?

The simplest fix is to start ArcMap as administrator -- then it can write to Program Files without issue. The other fix is to create the C:\emsa\Documents\R\win-library\3.5 directory so it has a per-user location for packages.

AysunK15 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have ArcGIS 10.5.1 32 bit and R 3.4.3 i386 32 bit. I unpacked arcgicbinding successfully.I tried the troubleshoot options. None of them worked. I receive an error like this. rbridgeerror Thank you.

scw commented 5 years ago

@AysunK15 Could you right click on "R Integration.pyt" and select "Show Errors" and report what it says?

I also saw an earlier version of the post with the screenshot of installing from R itself -- that also should work fine, and it looks like it did install but you weren't able to import the package. From that same R session, could you report what the value of version$arch is? Thanks!

AysunK15 commented 5 years ago

@scw The error mesage is: ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

I solved the installing R problem. I re-run from the R.exe not in R studio. So that problem was solved. By accident I uploaded the screenshot of the error. Thanks.

AysunK15 commented 5 years ago

@scw The error message is as below. pythonerror

I attached the version$arc screenshot as well. arcgisversion

Thank you.

scw commented 5 years ago

OK, it looks like Python isn't being correctly initialized on your machine -- this may be affecting both ArcMap and the ability for the bindings to connect to R (even though its an R binding, the Geoprocessing framework needs Python for some of its actions). What it looks like is that the Python interpreter that is configured to be the default on your machine is a 64-bit version of Python. This may have happened when installing an additional application which also uses Python, or a standalone Python installation which registered itself as the default. The easiest way to fix this is to run the "Repair" operation on your ArcGIS Desktop installation, which should reconfigure the default 32-bit version of Python that ArcMap ships with. If that doesn't work, let me know.

scdub commented 3 years ago

Closing this, a valid Python installation is a requirement for Geoprocessing and running this toolbox -- if the issue persists after an installation repair, we can dig in further.