R-ArcGIS / r-bridge-install

Install the R ArcGIS Tools
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Installation in R 4.0.0 #93

Closed bltern closed 4 years ago

bltern commented 4 years ago

Hi, I previously had this installed and running with ArcGIS Pro 2.4 and R 3.5.3. I recently installed 4.0.0 and it installs and finds 4.0.0 in ArcGIS Pro, but gives this error when trying to load the library in R:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘arcgisbinding’: package ‘arcgisbinding’ was installed before R 4.0.0: please re-install it

I have updated the bindings and even reinstalled R 4.0, but have not managed to get the package to load. Can you confirm if this will work (or not) with R 4.0.0. If not, I'll revert to an earlier R.

Cheers, Andrew

orhuna commented 4 years ago

Hello @bltern .

Support for arcgisbinding for R 4.0.0 is under active development. As the package binding mechanism is different between 4.0.0 and previous R versions, we will be updating our installation routine.

Converting this to a question issue to keep you updated once the new version is out.

bltern commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the info. I will watch for the update.

Nova-Scotia commented 4 years ago

In the meantime, we should use an earlier version of R? I'm having trouble reverting back to an earlier version, I get the message:


orhuna commented 4 years ago

@bltern , you can now set up arcgisbinding for R 4.0 by using running the script below in the R Console:

install.packages("arcgisbinding", repos="http://r-arcgis.github.io/r-bridge", type="win.binary")

orhuna commented 4 years ago

@Nova-Scotia you can now use the latest version of R with arcgisbinding. You can use the script below to setup the R-Bridge on R 4.0

install.packages("arcgisbinding", repos="http://r-arcgis.github.io/r-bridge", type="win.binary")

The issue you are running into pertains to change of dlls and addition of new dynamic libraries with new versions of R. When any package is setup with a new version of R some back-compatibility issues are observed. If you would like to use R 3.5.x in conjunction with R 4.0.x, this thread might be useful.

Please reach out if this issue persists.

bltern commented 4 years ago

@orhuna Thanks for the update. Great news, that worked fine.

Nova-Scotia commented 4 years ago

@orhuna yes!! Thank you, so many of my newer scripts rely on this package, wonderful to have a quick fix. Love being able to grab stuff from arc and arc online and use it in R - so seamless. Really appreciate you taking the time to update us! Guess you can mark this one as "closed" :)

orhuna commented 4 years ago

Great to hear @bltern and @Nova-Scotia ! Closing this issue.

fgoerlich commented 4 years ago

Does this works for ArcGIS 10.6 (32 bits)? I guess it does not, since switching to R 4.0 32 bits I get the error: Error: package ‘arcgisbinding’ is not installed for 'arch = i386

Is there any plans to update this for the 32 bits? Also my ArcGIS instalation does not see R version 4. See issue #94
Thanks a lot!

orhuna commented 4 years ago

@fgoerlich this only works for 64-bit.

pyacobellis commented 4 years ago

hi Orhuna - thanks for the help. Are there plans sync the arcgisbinding package (R 4.0) with ArcGIS 10.6 (32-bit)?

If not, how do I upgrade to 64-bit?

dpavlushko commented 4 years ago

I just uploaded full (Desktop 32 bit and Pro 64-bit) version of the package. Run this command to install arcgisbinging package for R 4.0

install.packages("arcgisbinding", repos="http://r-arcgis.github.io/r-bridge", type="win.binary")

@pyacobellis If you can switch to ArcGIS Pro it is native 64-bit version.

fgoerlich commented 4 years ago

@dpavlushko Thanks. It works from R, but I still face this issue: #94