R-ODAF / R-ODAF_Health_Canada

Health Canada's version of the R-ODAF pipeline, which includes additional visualization and pipelining features
MIT License
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Add checks (intgroup_to_plot list, existence of ref files) #205

Closed LMBradford closed 5 months ago

LMBradford commented 5 months ago

Now if anyone is foolish enough to include the faceting column in the intgroups_to_plot list in the config parameters, the analysis will be stopped and a helpful message will print so that troubleshooting takes less than 3 days.

There are checks in the snakemake code (module 1) and in the R code for anyone who runs with Rscript, independent of Snakemake.

Snakemake also checks whether the reference files specified in the config exist before starting the analysis.

Tests aren't running atm. I think we wore out all the github runners.