R-Sandor / FindFirst

Organizing the information that matters to you and your teams. The knowledge of your world.
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[Server] Create a new service WebCheckService.java #241

Closed R-Sandor closed 1 month ago

R-Sandor commented 1 month ago


Right now we just assume everything is scrapable on the web, which breaks some rules. We're a small open source team so not a big deal yet. This ticket is create a new service that the BookmarkService.java can use to determine if a URL is scrapable on top of the checks from the user.


I have tried to lay out the scaffold functions as train of thought how the service might work. Open to more ideas and artistic liberties BookmarkService calls isScrapable(url) when a user claims a Bookmark is scrapable in the request, i.e. we confirm this -> { getRebotsTxt(); parseRobots(); // read through the list of RobotAgent. // ensure that the path we are scraping is public. return true or false. }

Nikkaa13 commented 1 month ago

I would like to work on this issue. Could you assign it to me please?