Delete now-unnecessary stuff (pressure plot, babynames, etc) from analysis script
Commit this change and push
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Reorganize R Markdown for clear logical flow for the reader. Use R Markdown headings (the “#”, “##”, etc.) and ggplot graph titles to set up an outline for the results, with parts:
Basic data summary (report # of observations, # of collars, date range, mean and max fluxes)
Graphing raw fluxes over time (after screening out zero values), color by Treatment
Box plots by treatment
Open a pull request to the main branch and ask @ahopple or me to review
Statistics details — how to test for treatment differences using ANOVA
If useful/needed, review “analysis of variance”
The basic function in R for fitting a linear model is “lm”. Take a look at examples and give them a try
Basically we want to start by asking “is the flux a function of treatment”, i.e. does the treatment grouping affect the measured flux significantly (very much like the weight ~ group example)
You are going to want code like “mod_co2 <- lm( , data = )”
Then you can do “summary(mod_co2)” and “anova(mod_co2)” for example
Delete now-unnecessary stuff (pressure plot, babynames, etc) from analysis script Commit this change and push
Make a Git branch and switch to it (in GitHub Desktop)
Reorganize R Markdown for clear logical flow for the reader. Use R Markdown headings (the “#”, “##”, etc.) and ggplot graph titles to set up an outline for the results, with parts:
Statistics details — how to test for treatment differences using ANOVA If useful/needed, review “analysis of variance” The basic function in R for fitting a linear model is “lm”. Take a look at examples and give them a try Basically we want to start by asking “is the flux a function of treatment”, i.e. does the treatment grouping affect the measured flux significantly (very much like the weight ~ group example) You are going to want code like “mod_co2 <- lm(, data = )”
Then you can do “summary(mod_co2)” and “anova(mod_co2)” for example