R-nvim / R.nvim

Neovim plugin to edit R files
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sending commands from fenced code blocks sends the fence too #111

Closed j-w-e closed 2 months ago

j-w-e commented 2 months ago

Running the RDSendLine command within a code block, on Rmd or qmd files, tries to send the entire code block including some of the fence, not just the current line.

For example, in a qmd or rmd file that contains:

1 + 1 # Cursor is on this line

Running \l for example produces Error: object '{r}\n\n1 + 1\n\n' not found.

Tested using this minimal config:

local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then
    "--branch=stable", -- latest stable release

vim.g.mapleader = " "
vim.g.maplocalleader = "\\"

  { "R-nvim/R.nvim", dependencies = {
  } },
jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

I'm noting an inconsistency between what :InspectTree displays and the output of vim.treesitter functions.

With a single line R script (x <- 1), the output of :InspectTree is:

(program ; [0, 0] - [1, 0]
  (left_assignment ; [0, 0] - [0, 6]
    name: (identifier) ; [0, 0] - [0, 1]
    value: (float))) ; [0, 5] - [0, 6]

Then, if the cursor is over the letter x, the output of vim.treesitter functions are:

:lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node({lang = "r"}):type()):


Correct! x is an identifier.

:lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node({lang = "r"}):parent():type()):


Correct! x is within a left_assignment command.

However, with the following Quarto script:

title: "Fenced code bug"

x <- 1

The output of :InspectTree is:

(document ; [0, 0] - [7, 0]
  (minus_metadata ; [0, 0] - [3, 0]
    (stream ; [1, 0] - [2, 0]
      (document ; [1, 0] - [2, 0]
        (block_node ; [1, 0] - [2, 0]
          (block_mapping ; [1, 0] - [2, 0]
            (block_mapping_pair ; [1, 0] - [1, 24]
              key: (flow_node ; [1, 0] - [1, 5]
                (plain_scalar ; [1, 0] - [1, 5]
                  (string_scalar))) ; [1, 0] - [1, 5]
              value: (flow_node ; [1, 7] - [1, 24]
                (double_quote_scalar)))))))) ; [1, 7] - [1, 24]
  (section ; [3, 0] - [7, 0]
    (fenced_code_block ; [4, 0] - [7, 0]
      (fenced_code_block_delimiter) ; [4, 0] - [4, 3]
      (info_string ; [4, 3] - [4, 6]
        (language)) ; [4, 4] - [4, 5]
      (block_continuation) ; [5, 0] - [5, 0]
      (code_fence_content ; [5, 0] - [6, 0]
        (program ; [5, 0] - [6, 0]
          (left_assignment ; [5, 0] - [5, 6]
            name: (identifier) ; [5, 0] - [5, 1]
            value: (float))) ; [5, 5] - [5, 6]
        (block_continuation)) ; [6, 0] - [6, 0]
      (fenced_code_block_delimiter)))) ; [6, 0] - [6, 3]

Then, if the cursor is over the letter x, the output of vim.treesitter functions are:

:lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node({lang = "r"}):type()):


Correct! But maybe the vim.treesitter command should not work because the ignore_injections option is missing.

:lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node({lang = "r"}):parent():type()):


Wrong! It should be left_assignment.

:lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node_text(vim.treesitter.get_node({lang = "r"}), 0)):

x <- 1

Wrong! This is the correct output of :lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node_text(vim.treesitter.get_node(), 0)), that is, the text of node fenced_code_block.

jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

@PMassicotte, @wurli: It seems to be a bug in nvim-treesitter...

PMassicotte commented 2 months ago

If I am in an Rmd OR a qmd file with cursor on x and type:

:lua print(vim.treesitter.get_node({lang = "r"}):parent():type())

I get program as output.

Here are both trees for Rmd and qmd

title: "Fenced code bug"

x <- 1

### Rmd

(minus_metadata ; [1:1 - 4:0] (document ; [2:1 - 3:0] (block_node ; [2:1 - 3:0] (block_mapping ; [2:1 - 3:0] (block_mapping_pair ; [2:1 - 24] key: (flow_node ; [2:1 - 5] (plain_scalar ; [2:1 - 5] (string_scalar))) ; [2:1 - 5] value: (flow_node ; [2:8 - 24] (single_quote_scalar))))))) ; [2:8 - 24] (section ; [4:1 - 8:0] (fenced_code_block ; [5:1 - 8:0] (fenced_code_block_delimiter) ; [5:1 - 3] (info_string ; [5:4 - 6] (language)) ; [5:5 - 5] (block_continuation) ; [6:1 - 0] (code_fence_content ; [6:1 - 7:0] (left_assignment ; [6:1 - 6] name: (identifier) ; [6:1 - 1] value: (float)) ; [6:6 - 6] (block_continuation)) ; [7:1 - 0] (fenced_code_block_delimiter))) ; [7:1 - 3]

### qmd

(minus_metadata ; [1:1 - 4:0] (document ; [2:1 - 3:0] (block_node ; [2:1 - 3:0] (block_mapping ; [2:1 - 3:0] (block_mapping_pair ; [2:1 - 24] key: (flow_node ; [2:1 - 5] (plain_scalar ; [2:1 - 5] (string_scalar))) ; [2:1 - 5] value: (flow_node ; [2:8 - 24] (double_quote_scalar))))))) ; [2:8 - 24] (section ; [4:1 - 8:0] (fenced_code_block ; [5:1 - 8:0] (fenced_code_block_delimiter) ; [5:1 - 3] (info_string ; [5:4 - 6] (language)) ; [5:5 - 5] (block_continuation) ; [6:1 - 0] (code_fence_content ; [6:1 - 8:0] (left_assignment ; [6:1 - 6] name: (identifier) ; [6:1 - 1] value: (float)) ; [6:6 - 6] (identifier) ; [7:1 - 2] (identifier) ; [7:3 - 4] (block_continuation)))) ; [7:1 - 0]

PMassicotte commented 2 months ago

I do not understand why don't we have the same output…

PMassicotte commented 2 months ago

Sending the current line is not working on my side either. I am getting:

[ins] r$> `{r}

          x <- 1

Error: object '{r}\n\nx <- 1\n\n\n' not found

However, sending code chunk <localleader>cc works fine.

wurli commented 2 months ago

I’ll take a look at this tonight… Initial thoughts:

jalvesaq commented 2 months ago
  • I wonder if <localleader>cc will behave differently before/after require("r.send”).send(), since send() injects the R parser for the current code chunk.

<LocalLeader>cc runs a code directly converted from Nvim-R, with no use of treesitter.

  • Could any differences in behaviour between your setups be due to differing versions of nvim-treesitter?

I'm running the current development version of Neovim from Git Hub. My nvim-treesitter configuration is:

        tag = nil,
        branch = "master",
        run = ":TSUpdate",
        config = function ()
                sync_install = true,
                ensure_installed = {
                highlight = {
                    enable = true,
            vim.o.foldmethod = "expr"
            vim.o.foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()"
            vim.o.foldenable = false
jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

I get program as output.

Note that there is no node of type "program" in your :InspectTree outputs...

jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

The bug is fixed for me on the branch send_chunk_line. Tested with:




#| label: foo
#| echo: true
#| results: hide

iris |>
  subset(Species == "setosa") |>
  filter(Sepal.Length > 5) |>
  transform(Sepal.Area = Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width)

        digits = 4)

#| label: bar
#| echo: false

x <- rnorm(10)



#| label: foo
#| echo: true
#| results: hide

iris |>
  subset(Species == "setosa") |>
  filter(Sepal.Length > 5) |>
  transform(Sepal.Area = Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width)

        digits = 4)

#| label: bar
#| echo: false

x <- rnorm(10)
jalvesaq commented 2 months ago


PMassicotte commented 2 months ago

Good job!

wurli commented 2 months ago

Many thanks! One question from me if you don't mind. It looks like the language for the treesitter parser is now being manually set to R only for Rnoweb buffers. How does treesitter know to parse Quarto/Rmd chunks as R? And how does it know that text outside of the chunk is not R code? I was previously under the impression that it wasn't smart enough to figure this out without some help. Is this configured elsewhere? Of course it's highly possible my previous understanding was simply incorrect 😁

jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

What I did was more the result of trial and error than understanding, but, if we do :InspectTree in Rmd/Quarto and in Rnoweb files, we see a clear difference: the R node names are present in the Rmd/Quarto tree, but not in the Rnoweb tree.

Initially, I was trying an old Rnoweb file with the knitr options in the chunk header, and there was no syntax highlight for the R code. But sending code R worked! Accidentally (when typing a pipe operator), I created a chunk without knitr options and discovered that rnoweb indeed can highlight R code. Then, I moved the kntir options to the lines below the chunk header, as is usual in Quarto documents, and the sending code stopped working. That is, I replicated in Rnoweb the bug that I was seeing only in Rmd/Quarto. Conclusion: manually setting the R parser was required only if the default document parser didn't recognize R code. At this point, I started experimenting with enabling and disabling some vim.treesitter.get_node() options until it worked in all three cases: R, Rmd/Quarto, and Rnoweb.

jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

I turned nvim-treesitter a mandatory dependency in the send_chunk_line branch.

@j-w-e could you try the send_chunk_line branch, please?

j-w-e commented 2 months ago

Yes, this seems to work on initial testing. Thank you, for this and all the work you've put into the plugin in general.

jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the feedback!

wklimowicz commented 2 months ago

I just spotted the same issue for paragraph send which is my daily driver (:lua require('r.send').paragraph(true) on the chunk below sends the backticks to the console)

1 + 1   # Cursor is on this line

Interestingly this is new with the lua refactor, it works fine in Nvim-R. Let me know if I should open a new issue, but I wouldn't know where to start fixing it.
jalvesaq commented 2 months ago

It's a different bug, but it's fixed now.