R-nvim / R.nvim

Neovim plugin to edit R files
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Possible resource to add to the wiki #155

Closed seb-mueller closed 1 week ago

seb-mueller commented 1 week ago

First of all I wanted to say good job on creating this new repo. I've finally got round to try it and it's really nice!

In the process I've adapted my config to Lazyvim and came accross this rather useful resource that outlines how to set up R on neovim (including this repo!) and thought to share it since it could be used as inspiration or included in the wiki as an alternative pathway to set up neovim for R: https://www.lazyvim.org/extras/lang/r

jalvesaq commented 1 week ago

Thanks! I added the link to https://github.com/R-nvim/R.nvim/wiki/Configuration

We can change the section title to "Other examples" if someone finds other links to add.

seb-mueller commented 1 week ago

Yes, that should do. I'd probably add explanation, e.g. "this resource shows another way to set up an R development environment for neovim including R.nvim" or so :)

jalvesaq commented 1 week ago

It would be a good addition. Please, go ahead and edit the Wiki.

My two examples were focused on configurations that did little more than install the dependencies. I had to add configuration for nvim-treesitter and nvim-cmp because otherwise they wouldn't work. But it is good to have other examples that add more functionality.

seb-mueller commented 1 week ago

Just tried to edit, but the wiki seems not to be editable for me (at least not through github interface). Not sure how its done normally, maybe cloning?

jalvesaq commented 1 week ago

It should work now: image

seb-mueller commented 1 week ago

Yes, thanks. I've made the change!