R0rt1z2 / GrindrPlus

Xposed Module that unlocks and adds unique features to the Grindr app, enhancing user experience
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Delivery/Read status is wrong #4

Closed secrj closed 3 weeks ago

secrj commented 2 months ago

Since at least 2-3 versions, message delivery status isn't correct. I normally have unlimited. With mod I can see sometimes status going to Read and after a while, or after I leave message window and go back, it has reverted to delivered. Maybe you can fix that (not sure if it is mod issue) or just keep it read, once read status has been reached once for the message?

As always, Thanks very much for your effort on the plug-in

R0rt1z2 commented 2 months ago

The last two versions of the mod only prevent others from seeing your "writing" indicator, regardless of whether or not you and the other person have Grindr Unlimited. Other statuses such as delivered and read are handled solely and exclusively by the server.