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Error while one schema visualization #150

Open IdoShoshani opened 1 month ago

IdoShoshani commented 1 month ago

Expected Behavior

I use the northwind database. Brand new. Everything works as usual on it. As soon as I open the schema on it I get an error. On another table that I built myself, the schema does work.

Current Behavior

An error occured! DISMISS Status: COMPLETE Parse error on line 156: ...r Details UnitPrice "" dbo_Ord -----------------------^ Expecting 'ATTRIBUTE_WORD', got 'COMMENT' Mermaid failed to parse data Raw data: "{\"message\":\"Parse error on line 156:\n...r Details UnitPrice \\"\\" dbo_Ord\n-----------------------^\nExpecting 'ATTRIBUTE_WORD', got 'COMMENT'\",\"stack\":\"Error: Parse error on line 156:\n...r Details UnitPrice \\"\\" dbo_Ord\n-----------------------^\nExpecting 'ATTRIBUTEWORD', got 'COMMENT'\n at yt.parseError (:1:367235)\n at yt.parse (:1:368459)\n at parser.parse (:1:669164)\n at d.parse (:1:669607)\n at new d_ (:1:669466)\n at S3 (:1:669980)\n at Object.render (:1:674635)\n at t._subscribe (:1:1058539)\n at t._trySubscribe (:1:894729)\n at t.subscribe (:1:894539)\",\"markdown\":\"erDiagram\n \n\\"dbo.Employees\\" {\n int EmployeeID \\"PK\\"\n nvarchar(20) LastName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(10) FirstName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(30) Title \\"\\"\n nvarchar(25) TitleOfCourtesy \\"\\"\n datetime BirthDate \\"\\"\n datetime HireDate \\"\\"\n nvarchar(60) Address \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) City \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) Region \\"\\"\n nvarchar(10) PostalCode \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) Country \\"\\"\n nvarchar(24) HomePhone \\"\\"\n nvarchar(4) Extension \\"\\"\n image(2147483647) Photo \\"\\"\n ntext(1073741823) Notes \\"\\"\n int ReportsTo \\"FK\\"\n nvarchar(255) PhotoPath \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Categories\\" {\n int CategoryID \\"PK\\"\n nvarchar(15) CategoryName \\"\\"\n ntext(1073741823) Description \\"\\"\n image(2147483647) Picture \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Customers\\" {\n nchar(5) CustomerID \\"PK\\"\n nvarchar(40) CompanyName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(30) ContactName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(30) ContactTitle \\"\\"\n nvarchar(60) Address \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) City \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) Region \\"\\"\n nvarchar(10) PostalCode \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) Country \\"\\"\n nvarchar(24) Phone \\"\\"\n nvarchar(24) Fax \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Shippers\\" {\n int ShipperID \\"PK\\"\n nvarchar(40) CompanyName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(24) Phone \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Suppliers\\" {\n int SupplierID \\"PK\\"\n nvarchar(40) CompanyName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(30) ContactName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(30) ContactTitle \\"\\"\n nvarchar(60) Address \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) City \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) Region \\"\\"\n nvarchar(10) PostalCode \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) Country \\"\\"\n nvarchar(24) Phone \\"\\"\n nvarchar(24) Fax \\"\\"\n ntext(1073741823) HomePage \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Orders\\" {\n int OrderID \\"PK\\"\n nchar(5) CustomerID \\"FK\\"\n int EmployeeID \\"FK\\"\n datetime OrderDate \\"\\"\n datetime RequiredDate \\"\\"\n datetime ShippedDate \\"\\"\n int ShipVia \\"FK\\"\n money Freight \\"\\"\n nvarchar(40) ShipName \\"\\"\n nvarchar(60) ShipAddress \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) ShipCity \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) ShipRegion \\"\\"\n nvarchar(10) ShipPostalCode \\"\\"\n nvarchar(15) ShipCountry \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Products\\" {\n int ProductID \\"PK\\"\n nvarchar(40) ProductName \\"\\"\n int SupplierID \\"FK\\"\n int CategoryID \\"FK\\"\n nvarchar(20) QuantityPerUnit \\"\\"\n money UnitPrice \\"\\"\n smallint UnitsInStock \\"\\"\n smallint UnitsOnOrder \\"\\"\n smallint ReorderLevel \\"\\"\n bit Discontinued \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Order Details\\" {\n int OrderID \\"PK, FK\\"\n int ProductID \\"PK, FK\\"\n money UnitPrice \\"\\"\n smallint Quantity \\"\\"\n real Discount \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo\\" {\n nchar(5) CustomerID \\"PK, FK\\"\n nchar(10) CustomerTypeID \\"PK, FK\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.CustomerDemographics\\" {\n nchar(10) CustomerTypeID \\"PK\\"\n ntext(1073741823) CustomerDesc \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Region\\" {\n int RegionID \\"PK\\"\n nchar(50) RegionDescription \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.Territories\\" {\n nvarchar(20) TerritoryID \\"PK\\"\n nchar(50) TerritoryDescription \\"\\"\n int RegionID \\"FK\\"\n \n}\n\\"dbo.EmployeeTerritories\\" {\n int EmployeeID \\"PK, FK\\"\n nvarchar(20) TerritoryID \\"FK, PK\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" {\n dbo_Employees EmployeeID \\"\\"\n dbo_Employees LastName \\"\\"\n dbo_Employees FirstName \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers CustomerID \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers CompanyName \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Address \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers City \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Region \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers PostalCode \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Country \\"\\"\n dbo_Shippers ShipperID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders RequiredDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShippedDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipVia \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders Freight \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipName \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipAddress \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipCity \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipRegion \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipPostalCode \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipCountry \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details UnitPrice \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Quantity \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Discount \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" {\n dbo_Categories CategoryID \\"\\"\n dbo_Categories CategoryName \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Products SupplierID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products QuantityPerUnit \\"\\"\n dbo_Products UnitPrice \\"\\"\n dbo_Products UnitsInStock \\"\\"\n dbo_Products UnitsOnOrder \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ReorderLevel \\"\\"\n dbo_Products Discontinued \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" {\n dbo_Categories CategoryID \\"\\"\n dbo_Categories CategoryName \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Products QuantityPerUnit \\"\\"\n dbo_Products UnitsInStock \\"\\"\n dbo_Products Discontinued \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" {\n dbo_Categories CategoryID \\"\\"\n dbo_Categories CategoryName \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShippedDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details UnitPrice \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Quantity \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Discount \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" {\n dbo_Categories CategoryID \\"\\"\n dbo_Categories CategoryName \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Extended ExtendedPrice \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" {\n dbo_Customers CustomerID \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers CompanyName \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Address \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers City \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Region \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers PostalCode \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Country \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders EmployeeID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders RequiredDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShippedDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipVia \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders Freight \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipName \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipAddress \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipCity \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipRegion \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipPostalCode \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShipCountry \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Quarterly Orders\\" {\n dbo_Customers CustomerID \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers CompanyName \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers City \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers Country \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderDate \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Sales Totals by Amount\\" {\n dbo_Customers CustomerID \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers CompanyName \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShippedDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Subtotals Subtotal \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City\\" {\n dbo_Customers CompanyName \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers ContactName \\"\\"\n dbo_Customers City \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Quarter\\" {\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShippedDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Subtotals Subtotal \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Year\\" {\n dbo_Orders OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Orders ShippedDate \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Subtotals Subtotal \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Current Product List\\" {\n dbo_Products ProductID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Products Discontinued \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" {\n dbo_Products ProductID \\"\\"\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details UnitPrice \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Quantity \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Discount \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Products Above Average Price\\" {\n dbo_Products ProductName \\"\\"\n dbo_Products UnitPrice \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Order Subtotals\\" {\n dbo_Order Details OrderID \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details UnitPrice \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Quantity \\"\\"\n dbo_Order Details Discount \\"\\"\n \n}\n\\"View: dbo.Category Sales for 1997\\" {\n dbo_Product Sales for 1997 CategoryName \\"\\"\n dbo_Product Sales for 1997 ProductSales \\"\\"\n \n}\n \\"dbo.Employees\\" |o--|{ \\"dbo.Employees\\": \\"EmployeeID\\"\n\\"dbo.Orders\\" |o--|{ \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"CustomerID\\"\n\\"dbo.Orders\\" |o--|{ \\"dbo.Employees\\": \\"EmployeeID\\"\n\\"dbo.Orders\\" |o--|{ \\"dbo.Shippers\\": \\"ShipperID\\"\n\\"dbo.Products\\" |o--|{ \\"dbo.Suppliers\\": \\"SupplierID\\"\n\\"dbo.Products\\" |o--|{ \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"CategoryID\\"\n\\"dbo.Order Details\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"OrderID\\"\n\\"dbo.Order Details\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"ProductID\\"\n\\"dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"CustomerID\\"\n\\"dbo.CustomerCustomerDemo\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.CustomerDemographics\\": \\"CustomerTypeID\\"\n\\"dbo.Territories\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.Region\\": \\"RegionID\\"\n\\"dbo.EmployeeTerritories\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.Employees\\": \\"EmployeeID\\"\n\\"dbo.EmployeeTerritories\\" ||--|{ \\"dbo.Territories\\": \\"TerritoryID\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Employees\\": \\"Invoices => Employees\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Employees\\": \\"Invoices => Employees\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Employees\\": \\"Invoices => Employees\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Invoices => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Shippers\\": \\"Invoices => Shippers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Invoices => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Invoices => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Invoices => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Invoices => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Invoices => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Invoices\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Invoices => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Alphabetical list of products\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Alphabetical list of products => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Products by Category => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Products by Category => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Products by Category => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Products by Category => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Products by Category => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Products by Category => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Product Sales for 1997 => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Sales by Category => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Categories\\": \\"Sales by Category => Categories\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Sales by Category => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Sales by Category => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Sales by Category => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Sales by Category => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales by Category\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details Extended\\": \\"Sales by Category => Order Details Extended\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Orders Qry => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Orders Qry\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Orders Qry => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Quarterly Orders\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Quarterly Orders => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Quarterly Orders\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Quarterly Orders => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Quarterly Orders\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Quarterly Orders => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Quarterly Orders\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Quarterly Orders => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Quarterly Orders\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Quarterly Orders => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales Totals by Amount\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Sales Totals by Amount => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales Totals by Amount\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Sales Totals by Amount => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales Totals by Amount\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Sales Totals by Amount => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales Totals by Amount\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Sales Totals by Amount => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Sales Totals by Amount\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Subtotals\\": \\"Sales Totals by Amount => Order Subtotals\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Customer and Suppliers by City => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Customer and Suppliers by City => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Customer and Suppliers by City\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Customers\\": \\"Customer and Suppliers by City => Customers\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Quarter\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Summary of Sales by Quarter => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Quarter\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Summary of Sales by Quarter => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Quarter\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Subtotals\\": \\"Summary of Sales by Quarter => Order Subtotals\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Year\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Summary of Sales by Year => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Year\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Orders\\": \\"Summary of Sales by Year => Orders\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Summary of Sales by Year\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Subtotals\\": \\"Summary of Sales by Year => Order Subtotals\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Current Product List\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Current Product List => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Current Product List\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Current Product List => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Current Product List\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Current Product List => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Order Details Extended => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Order Details Extended => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Details Extended => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Details Extended => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Details Extended => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Details Extended\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Details Extended => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products Above Average Price\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Products Above Average Price => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Products Above Average Price\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Products\\": \\"Products Above Average Price => Products\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Subtotals\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Subtotals => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Subtotals\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Subtotals => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Subtotals\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Subtotals => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Order Subtotals\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Order Details\\": \\"Order Subtotals => Order Details\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Category Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\": \\"Category Sales for 1997 => Product Sales for 1997\\"\n\\"View: dbo.Category Sales for 1997\\" ||--|| \\"dbo.Product Sales for 1997\\": \\"Category Sales for 1997 => Product Sales for 1997\\"\n\"}"

Found a bug? Report it here: https://github.com/R0tenur/visualization/issues

EXPORT Syntax error in graph mermaid version 9.4.3

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce

1. 2. 3. 4.

Context (Environment)

Detailed Description

Possible Implementation

Philgood76 commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue for me in v0.9.4. Worked fine in v0.9.1 and v0.9.2 Screenshot - 23_08_2024 , 09_02_59