Expected behaviour:
Latest version of the extension is installed.
Actual behaviour:
Opens Github releases page for v0.3.0 of the extension (latest version as of this writing is v0.6.0).
Extension version: 0.6.0
Azure Data Studio version: azuredatastudio 1.27.0 (765c7064d46253d88393e0e1ff78874b6fe8fa64, 2021-03-16T21:18:54.187Z)
OS version: Darwin x64 20.3.0
Issue Type: Bug
Expected behaviour: Latest version of the extension is installed.
Actual behaviour: Opens Github releases page for v0.3.0 of the extension (latest version as of this writing is v0.6.0).
Extension version: 0.6.0 Azure Data Studio version: azuredatastudio 1.27.0 (765c7064d46253d88393e0e1ff78874b6fe8fa64, 2021-03-16T21:18:54.187Z) OS version: Darwin x64 20.3.0