R1KO / VIP-Core

GNU General Public License v3.0
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VIP core with sourcebans? #83

Open nguyenbaodanh opened 3 years ago

nguyenbaodanh commented 3 years ago

So.... from what I read, VIP Core independent plugin with sourcebans , what if we use sourcebans to manage vip not Vip core? Then we can just use vip COre to use modules only ?

R1KO commented 3 years ago

yes. use module [VIP] Admin for this

crashzk commented 3 years ago


crashzk commented 3 years ago

@R1KO doubt about this module [VIP] Admin, for me it shows some errors:

L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM] Exception reported: The player crashzk<600><STEAM_1:1:64012428><> is already a VIP/Игрок crashzk | xvideos.com<600><STEAM_1:1:64012428><> уже является VIP-игроком
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM] Blaming: VIP_Core.smx
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM]   [0] ThrowNativeError
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM]   [1] Line 582, vip/API.sp::API_GiveClientVIP
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM]   [2] Line 558, vip/API.sp::Native_SetClientVIP
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM]   [4] VIP_SetClientVIP
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM]   [5] Line 186, VIP_Admin_1.0.0.sp::LoadVIPClient
L 05/19/2021 - 11:08:14: [SM]   [6] Line 129, VIP_Admin_1.0.0.sp::Timer_Delay

I've tried the latest version, same thing:

L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM] Exception reported: Client 8 is not connected/Игрок 8 не подключен
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM] Blaming: VIP_Core.smx
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM]   [0] ThrowNativeError
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM]   [1] Line 1255, vip/API.sp::CheckValidClient
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM]   [2] Line 299, vip/API.sp::Native_IsClientVIP
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM]   [4] VIP_IsClientVIP
L 05/18/2021 - 00:06:36: [SM]   [5] Line 99, C:\Users\boy-l\Google Drive (zkservidores@gmail.com)\Servidores CSGO\Editar Plugins\addons SM1.10\sourcemod\scripting\VIP_Admin.sp::Timer_Delay

I reported everything on his official topic on HLMOD, do you intend to update your modules, this one in the future?

Somewhere you can follow up to, GitHUb? Or just the forum?

R1KO commented 3 years ago

@crashzk check this http://joxi.ru/E2pnnYBtGzjMar

crashzk commented 3 years ago

@crashzk check this http://joxi.ru/E2pnnYBtGzjMar

Thanks for the answer.

Come on, I sent this version, error so far has not shown in the server log, however the server console shows the following message:

L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:18: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Rodvin3s  (7) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:21: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: ch0sen (5) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:32: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Brunero ♿☂ (12) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:40: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: rgK (3) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:01: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: wgm (9) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:01: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Leafy (2) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:09: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: rmc (8) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:37: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: aaaaaero (4) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:05: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Jaum_Foi_mal,pinei :( (10) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: crashzk (11) -> 299
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] GetAdminGroupCount = 1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] 0.GetAdminGroupCount(DONO) = 0
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] KvJumpToKey
L 05/19/2021 - 22:46:25: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: 30 FPS ⑳ Lightning Titan ✪ (5) -> -1

It would be normal, correct? Apart from that apparently all right so far.

R1KO commented 3 years ago

@crashzk check this http://joxi.ru/E2pnnYBtGzjMar

Thanks for the answer.

Come on, I sent this version, error so far has not shown in the server log, however the server console shows the following message:

L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:18: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Rodvin3s  (7) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:21: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: ch0sen (5) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:32: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Brunero ♿☂ (12) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:43:40: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: rgK (3) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:01: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: wgm (9) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:01: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Leafy (2) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:09: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: rmc (8) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:44:37: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: aaaaaero (4) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:05: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: Jaum_Foi_mal,pinei :( (10) -> -1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: crashzk (11) -> 299
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] GetAdminGroupCount = 1
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] 0.GetAdminGroupCount(DONO) = 0
L 05/19/2021 - 22:45:10: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] KvJumpToKey
L 05/19/2021 - 22:46:25: [vip/VIP_Admin.smx] ReadGroups: 30 FPS ⑳ Lightning Titan ✪ (5) -> -1

It would be normal, correct? Apart from that apparently all right so far.

it's normal. this is debug messages

crashzk commented 3 years ago

Perfect, I believe that these issues can be closed, I will be posting this plugin link on HLMOD for those who need a correction too. Or do you prefer that I let you update the topic there?

crashzk commented 2 years ago

Just an update, [VIP] Admin works perfectly when the player's VIP is added by SourceBans. However, if the player receives VIP through the VIP Core, using the command !vipadmin player only gains access to the plugin and modules of the VIP Core.

Plugins that don't support VIP Core, such as !agents from Franc1sco, !mvp from Kento and others, if you have to have VIP to use them doesn't work for this player that got VIP by VIP Core.

I tested it with this version:

@crashzk check this http://joxi.ru/E2pnnYBtGzjMar

R1KO commented 2 years ago

Просто обновление, [VIP] Admin отлично работает, когда VIP игрока добавляется SourceBans. Однако, если игрок получает VIP через VIP Core, с помощью команды !vipadminигрок получает доступ только к плагину и модулям VIP Core.

Плагины, которые не поддерживают VIP Core, например !agentsот Franc1sco, от Kento !mvpи других, если вам нужно иметь VIP для их использования, не работают для этого игрока, получившего VIP от VIP Core.

Я тестировал его с этой версией:

@crashzk проверьте это http://joxi.ru/E2pnnYBtGzjMar

because they don't check for rights correctly

crashzk commented 2 years ago

Просто обновление, [VIP] Admin отлично работает, когда VIP игрока добавляется SourceBans. Однако, если игрок получает VIP через VIP Core, с помощью команды !vipadminигрок получает доступ только к плагину и модулям VIP Core. Плагины, которые не поддерживают VIP Core, например !agentsот Franc1sco, от Kento !mvpи других, если вам нужно иметь VIP для их использования, не работают для этого игрока, получившего VIP от VIP Core. Я тестировал его с этой версией:

@crashzk проверьте это http://joxi.ru/E2pnnYBtGzjMar

because they don't check for rights correctly

Any fixes I can apply in [VIP] Admin to resolve this issue?

hanicsgo commented 2 years ago

about !mvp from Kento, its could be possible to use on vipcore