R2Northstar / NorthstarLauncher

Launcher used to modify Titanfall 2 to allow mods to be loaded
MIT License
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Make Script Errors from Northstar Callbacks Fatal #698

Closed EladNLG closed 1 week ago

EladNLG commented 2 months ago

Read Title.



Jan200101 commented 2 months ago

here is the function definition for other reviewers:

SQRESULT sq_call(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger params, SQBool retval, SQ-
Bool raiseerror);

code looks good, unsure if this will affect any existing mods (though if they are affected they already have an error so perhaps breaking already broken mods even more is best)

Jan200101 commented 1 month ago

played 30 minute of Attrition with a lot of mods installed that make use of scripts and thus far I've seen no problems.

I think its fine to merge as is but it would be cool if there an example mod that would silently error before this for the sake of testing.

GeckoEidechse commented 4 weeks ago

100% agreed with this PR. I'll put it into v1.26 release o7