R2Northstar / NorthstarLauncher

Launcher used to modify Titanfall 2 to allow mods to be loaded
MIT License
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Convert primelauncher to GUI Subsystem #729

Closed Jan200101 closed 3 weeks ago

Jan200101 commented 3 weeks ago

Converts primelauncher to GUI subsystem. Since the GUI subsystem NEEDS the entrypoint to be WinMain I made it call main, since large portions of the code rely on argc and argv handling.

This is practically how Microsoft implements this __argc and __argv are available globals https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/argc-argv-wargv?view=msvc-170&redirectedfrom=MSDN

Jan200101 commented 3 weeks ago

Would cause issues with the Server Docker since it it expects Northstar to be a GUI app