R2Northstar / NorthstarMods

Squirrel scripts used to recreate server-side gamelogic and add custom content to the game.
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cp: Player score for hardpoints #7

Closed pg9182 closed 2 years ago

pg9182 commented 2 years ago

Amped Hardpoint doesn't have the player scores for hardpoints hooked up.

IIRC, it's something like this (I'm going to verify these soon, but it's been more than a month since I've played a game of AMP; EDIT: unfortunately, I left this too long, and I don't think I'll ever be able to do this now that stryder's borked):

Event (https://github.com/R2Northstar/NorthstarMods/issues/7#issuecomment-1012448121) Action Assault Score Defense Score
SCORE_EVENT_HARDPOINT_CAPTURED Being on the point when captured (if it started from being uncaptured or was captured from the other team) 250 0
SCORE_EVENT_HARDPOINT_CAPTURE_ASSIST Being on the point when captured (if it started from uncaptured but still biased towards your team) 100 0
TODO: figure out what combination causes this Amping a point for the first time after capping if it started from being uncaptured or was captured from the other team) (if you have been on the point for at least TODO seconds [or percent?] while amping) 0 250
^ Amping a point (for the first time after capping if it started from being uncaptured or was captured from the other team) (if not the above case) 0 TODO
SCORE_EVENT_HARDPOINT_DEFENSE Kill opposing team while you and them are on captured point 0 50
SCORE_EVENT_HARDPOINT_PERIMETER_DEFENSE Kill opposing team while you are on captured point 0 50
SCORE_EVENT_HARDPOINT_HOLD Amping a captured ally hardpoint (points/second, added to your score every time it hits 10s) 0 2.5
SCORE_EVENT_HARDPOINT_AMPED_HOLD Holding an amped ally hardpoints (points/second, added to your score every time it hits 10s) 0 5.0

A few other notes:

I'll probably try and implement this myself later.

https://github.com/R2Northstar/NorthstarMods/blob/0fa8c57650daa9351f4cc4a153f7642001c7ce05/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/gamemodes/_gamemode_cp.nut https://github.com/R2Northstar/NorthstarMods/blob/0fa8c57650daa9351f4cc4a153f7642001c7ce05/Northstar.CustomServers/mod/scripts/vscripts/mp/_score.nut

AMP is also missing the point status overlay while sitting on a point (EDIT: #42 was opened for this).

abarichello commented 2 years ago

The only sources that I could find online were these: https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/6ewbjz/how_exactly_is_amped_hardpoint_scored/dido3rc/ https://titanfall.fandom.com/wiki/Hardpoint_Domination

The wiki one is from another mode from Titanfall 1 but the points may be similar

RoyalBlue1 commented 2 years ago

I dumped the score data table and I guess the missing point values are the Assist scores. but I am not sure when exactly they are awarded.


pg9182 commented 2 years ago


That's very useful, thanks. I think I can match most of it up based on that. HardpointSnipe and ControlPointTake are especially helpful since I didn't completely understand where those point increases were coming from while playing.

I'll take a closer look at this as soon as I have time.

Edit: I'm also going to update the first table with a few of these.

RoyalBlue1 commented 2 years ago

There should probable be Titanmeter and Coremeter colums in this table I got these values from the gameplay I found on youtube


pg9182 commented 2 years ago

Since stryder's working again, I'd like to test a few things in a public match at some point this week.

pg9182 commented 2 years ago
