R2Northstar / NorthstarMods

Squirrel scripts used to recreate server-side gamelogic and add custom content to the game.
MIT License
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FD Error #763

Closed liveskai closed 7 months ago

liveskai commented 10 months ago
[16:22:36] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Entity class "CNPC_Titan" doesn't match required class for this index or function call
[16:22:36] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> return player.GetPlayerNetBool( "playerAllowedToSyncedMelee" )
[16:22:36] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [SyncedMelee_IsAllowed()] melee/sh_melee.gnut line [1174]
*FUNCTION [ShouldPlayerExecuteTarget()] melee/sh_melee.gnut line [1073]
*FUNCTION [CodeCallback_IsValidMeleeExecutionTarget()] melee/sh_melee.gnut line [198]
*FUNCTION [EliteTitanExecutionCheck()] ai/_ai_elite_titans.nut line [55]
*FUNCTION [DamageScaleByDifficulty()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd.nut line [1972]
*FUNCTION [RunClassDamageCallbacks()] _codecallbacks_common.gnut line [284]
*FUNCTION [CodeCallback_DamagePlayerOrNPC()] mp/_codecallbacks.gnut line [224]
ASpoonPlaysGames commented 10 months ago

Callstack talks about elite titans, so looks like something for @Zanieon

Zanieon commented 10 months ago

Callstack talks about elite titans, so looks like something for @Zanieon

Yeah i have split their code away from _gamemode_fd_events.nut into their own script, however this callstack points to their execution code which lies in an adapted sh_melee.gnut to allow AI to use the same executions as players, i fixed this issue long ago after giving this ability to execute players.

This indicates this file is not updated properly to the one in my branch and is rather using the one bundled with main Northstar releases, line 1174 only points to the callstack line in there, not in the version file of my branch.

User tried to nitpick files to update maybe?

Will wait for answer from the OP.

liveskai commented 9 months ago


[22:00:28] [SCRIPT SV] [info] [PV] Triggered OnPlayerSpawned
[22:00:29] [NATIVE SV] [info] SERVER: Lunge_SetTargetEntity(): Setting lunge target to (null)
[22:00:29] [NATIVE SV] [info] SERVER: Lunge_SetTargetEntity(): Setting lunge target to (null)
[22:00:30] [NATIVE SV] [info] SERVER: Lunge_SetTargetEntity(): Setting lunge target to (null)
[22:00:32] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Entity class "CNPC_Titan" doesn't match required class for this index or function call
[22:00:32] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> return player.HasPassive( passive )
[22:00:32] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [PlayerHasPassive()] sh_passives.gnut line [384]
*FUNCTION [HandleBlockingAndCalcDamageScaleForHit()] weapons/mp_titanability_basic_block.nut line [210]
*FUNCTION [BasicBlock_OnDamage()] weapons/mp_titanability_basic_block.nut line [313]
*FUNCTION [RunClassDamageFinalCallbacks()] _codecallbacks_common.gnut line [307]
*FUNCTION [CodeCallback_DamagePlayerOrNPC()] mp/_codecallbacks.gnut line [285]
*FUNCTION [FireWeaponBullet()] NATIVE line [-1]
*FUNCTION [FireWeaponPlayerAndNPC()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon.nut line [266]
*FUNCTION [OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_predator_cannon()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon.nut line [199]
*FUNCTION [OnWeaponNpcPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_predator_cannon()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon.nut line [253]
liveskai commented 9 months ago

Because I'm NSCN and didn't replace all the files

liveskai commented 9 months ago

Replaced the melee now and it's still reporting an error

Zanieon commented 9 months ago

Honestly at this point i legit don't know what's going on with NSCN, all of those errors does not show up at the original NS when fully utilizing my branch. Errors are now pointing to vanilla functions outside of modified files by Northstar (i.e sh_passives.gnut)

liveskai commented 9 months ago
[20:56:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call IsPlayer on invalid entity
[20:56:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> if ( animatingEnt.IsPlayer() )
[20:56:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [WaittillAnimDone_Thread()] _utility_shared.nut line [3430]

[20:56:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[animatingEnt] ENTITY (NULL)
[this] TABLE



liveskai commented 9 months ago
[11:23:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call IsPlayer on invalid entity
[11:23:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> if ( animatingEnt.IsPlayer() )
[11:23:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [WaittillAnimDone_Thread()] _utility_shared.nut line [3430]

[11:23:22] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[animatingEnt] ENTITY (NULL)
[this] TABLE

liveskai commented 9 months ago
[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetTitanSoul on invalid entity
[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> entity soul = ent.GetTitanSoul()
[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [EliteExecutionDelayed()] ai/_ai_elite_titans.nut line [73]

[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[attacker] ENTITY (npc_titan npc_titan_atlas_vanguard [933] (NPC "npc_titan_atlas_vanguard_boss_fd_elite" at <-4580.45 390.021 138.029>))
[this] TABLE

liveskai commented 9 months ago


Zanieon commented 9 months ago
[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call GetTitanSoul on invalid entity
[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> entity soul = ent.GetTitanSoul()
[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [EliteExecutionDelayed()] ai/_ai_elite_titans.nut line [73]

[22:16:56] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[attacker] ENTITY (npc_titan npc_titan_atlas_vanguard [933] (NPC "npc_titan_atlas_vanguard_boss_fd_elite" at <-4580.45 390.021 138.029>))
[this] TABLE


Okay this one is reasonable, will fix it with the next update, has to do with people disconnecting right in the frame of recieving a melee attack from an Elite Titan.

liveskai commented 9 months ago


[22:00:28] [SCRIPT SV] [info] [PV] Triggered OnPlayerSpawned
[22:00:29] [NATIVE SV] [info] SERVER: Lunge_SetTargetEntity(): Setting lunge target to (null)
[22:00:29] [NATIVE SV] [info] SERVER: Lunge_SetTargetEntity(): Setting lunge target to (null)
[22:00:30] [NATIVE SV] [info] SERVER: Lunge_SetTargetEntity(): Setting lunge target to (null)
[22:00:32] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Entity class "CNPC_Titan" doesn't match required class for this index or function call
[22:00:32] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> return player.HasPassive( passive )
[22:00:32] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [PlayerHasPassive()] sh_passives.gnut line [384]
*FUNCTION [HandleBlockingAndCalcDamageScaleForHit()] weapons/mp_titanability_basic_block.nut line [210]
*FUNCTION [BasicBlock_OnDamage()] weapons/mp_titanability_basic_block.nut line [313]
*FUNCTION [RunClassDamageFinalCallbacks()] _codecallbacks_common.gnut line [307]
*FUNCTION [CodeCallback_DamagePlayerOrNPC()] mp/_codecallbacks.gnut line [285]
*FUNCTION [FireWeaponBullet()] NATIVE line [-1]
*FUNCTION [FireWeaponPlayerAndNPC()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon.nut line [266]
*FUNCTION [OnWeaponPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_predator_cannon()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon.nut line [199]
*FUNCTION [OnWeaponNpcPrimaryAttack_titanweapon_predator_cannon()] weapons/mp_titanweapon_predator_cannon.nut line [253]

This issue has been fixed

liveskai commented 9 months ago

Client reports error after mp_lf_township ends Titanfall 2 2023 12 07 - 13 36 30 05 DVR mp4_20231207_133837 888

liveskai commented 9 months ago


Zanieon commented 9 months ago

Again issue related to people disconnecting when stuff is about to happen.

liveskai commented 8 months ago
[22:29:47] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call Minimap_SetAlignUpright on invalid entity
[22:29:47] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> human.Minimap_SetAlignUpright( true )
[22:29:47] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [AddMinimapForHumans()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd_events.nut line [2426]
*FUNCTION [spawnDroppodGrunts()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd_events.nut line [1341]

[22:29:47] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[human] ENTITY (NULL)
[this] TABLE
[@INDEX@] 0
[guys] ARRAY
[at_weapon] "mp_weapon_defender"
[squadName] "squad_imc_us1137"
[pod] ENTITY (prop_dynamic [740] at <3894 10 79.4805>)
[soundEvent] unknown struct
[flowControlEvent] unknown struct
[spawnEvent] unknown struct
[smokeEvent] unknown struct
[this] TABLE

liveskai commented 8 months ago


Zanieon commented 8 months ago

That one was fixed in https://github.com/Zanieon/NorthstarMods/commit/2fc8c6ce95e0c1b0bfdc32bb8f2900b3578c41ee

liveskai commented 8 months ago

That one was fixed in Zanieon@2fc8c6c

[21:18:13] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Index "0" is beyond array size of 0
[21:18:13] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> entity weapon = primaryWeapons[0]
[21:18:13] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [spawnSuperSpectre()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd_events.nut line [1237]

[21:18:13] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[primaryWeapons] ARRAY
[npc] ENTITY (npc_super_spectre reaper [776] (NPC "npc_super_spectre_fd" at <4014 -111 -417>))
[spawnorigin] <4014, -111, -417>
[soundEvent] unknown struct
[flowControlEvent] unknown struct
[spawnEvent] unknown struct
[smokeEvent] unknown struct
[this] TABLE

liveskai commented 8 months ago
[12:33:19] [SCRIPT SV] [info] SCRIPT ERROR: [SERVER] Attempted to call SetEfficientMode on invalid entity
[12:33:19] [SCRIPT SV] [info]  -> npc.SetEfficientMode( false )
[12:33:19] [SCRIPT SV] [info] 
*FUNCTION [spawnDroppodGrunts()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd_events.nut line [1358]

[12:33:19] [SCRIPT SV] [info] LOCALS
[@INDEX@] 0
[guys] ARRAY
[at_weapon] "mp_weapon_defender"
[squadName] "squad_imc_us1599"
[pod] ENTITY (prop_dynamic [299] at <1709 -1091 75.4805>)
[soundEvent] unknown struct
[flowControlEvent] unknown struct
[spawnEvent] unknown struct
[smokeEvent] unknown struct
[this] TABLE

liveskai commented 8 months ago

I$Z4BGHZ8 L0(4C(X%9@7}N @Zanieon

GeckoEidechse commented 8 months ago

@liveskai just a heads-up that as you are running NorthstarCN and not upstream Northstar, the issue might be caused by the NorthstarCN fork instead ^^"

Please double check if you can reproduce the issue using upstream Northstar before making an issue here and if not, report the issue to NorthstarCN first.

Thanks for taking this into consideration <3

liveskai commented 8 months ago

*FUNCTION [spawnDroppodGrunts()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd_events.nut line [1358]

*FUNCTION [spawnDroppodGrunts()] gamemodes/_gamemode_fd_events.nut line [1358] This won't be an NSCN issue, NSCN doesn't have FD mode

Zanieon commented 7 months ago

Closing this due to lack of activity plus problems not directly related to FD branch but rather incompatibilities between FD branch and NSCN codebase.