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Vanilla section update #260

Closed itscynxx closed 9 months ago

itscynxx commented 9 months ago

I recently did one of these, however I feel like it really needed work still and was quite confusing to the average user

This version does in fact reference VanillaPlus, a mod that I work on, however I think it's for good reason. This reason being that without VanillaPlus, mods using Mod Settings will not work (as it's blacklisted due to how many errors it would've caused when it got added to Northstar), and without either downgrading Northstar or renaming the Mod Settings mod (which are both quite the task for a lot of end users), these mods will simply break the game. Additionally, previous methods would omit things such as the mods list, as that is included in Northstar.Client, which having enabled would break vanilla.

I've updated the only other source I personally found of vanilla profiles, which was in the VTOL guide

I decided to make the headers not reference VanillaPlus as to more easily update them when vanilla compatibility is included in Northstar. I do not want to "take over" vanilla sections and shill the mod I work on the most, but I feel like it's currently the best solution. I will also be helping with vanilla compatibility in Northstar as much as I can, and deprecating VanillaPlus when it's served it's purpose.

GeckoEidechse commented 9 months ago

Changes were addressed, time to merge :D