R2Northstar / NorthstarWiki

Wiki covering installation, hosting and configuration of Northstar
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Add section to FAQ explaining Northstar #299

Open GeckoEidechse opened 1 month ago

GeckoEidechse commented 1 month ago

When someone asked on our Discord how Northstar actually works it made me realise that we never added any explanation in the wiki so this little FAQ section tries to close that gap ^^

GeckoEidechse commented 1 month ago

Quick feedback I got via Discord message

what is a mod? what does hook mean? launcher doesnt really hook into scripts what is a server.dll and why does it ship with a game client ( might be worth omitting the client after Titanfall2 ) "re-uses library to host servers" hmmmm don't think the whole security ramble needs to be that long "adding additional gamemodes for new custom gamemodes" hmmmm

just some thoughts