R3DDY97 / KICKthemOUT3

K1CK devices off your N3TW0RK by performing an ARP Spoof attack with Python3+ compatability
MIT License
33 stars 8 forks source link

Questions on how this tool works #7

Open kevinadhiguna opened 2 years ago

kevinadhiguna commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for this tool.

I would like to ask how this tool works. I just tested and attempted to kick a single device out of a Wi-Fi network (LAN).


It showed that the device with the IP has been removed from network (Wi-Fi). I scanned network again and the device with the same IP address still shown up. The first question is, Is a device immediately removed if it's attacked ?

The second question is, how long do I have to wait to ensure that the device has kicked out of network ? I have been waiting for an hour but I have no clue what the ATT4CK DUR4T10N stands for.

Thank you. Any replies are appreciated much.

hackermondev commented 2 years ago

The device won't be kicked out. It just won't work anymore. The WiFi will stop working for the device but it will still be connected to your wifi.

kevinadhiguna commented 2 years ago

So the device is connected to Wi-Fi with a status : no internet ? @hackermondev