R4d1o4ct1v3 / XToLevel

XToLevel World of Warcraft Addon
3 stars 4 forks source link

Changes for WarWithin required #1

Open yoshimo opened 1 month ago

yoshimo commented 1 month ago

i changed Player.lua to

function XToLevel.Player:GetMaxLevel()
    if self.maxLevel == nil then
        self.maxLevel = GetMaxLevelForPlayerExpansion()
    return self.maxLevel

doing quests and killing npcs still results in

[string "=[C]"]: in function `AddMessage'
[string "@XToLevel/objects/Messages.lua"]:157: in function `Print'
[string "@XToLevel/objects/Messages.lua"]:93: in function `PrintQuest'
[string "@XToLevel/Main.lua"]:475: in function `OnChatXPGain'
[string "@XToLevel/Main.lua"]:58: in function `MainOnEvent'
[string "@XToLevel/Main.lua"]:110: in function <XToLevel/Main.lua:110>

(*temporary) = "bad argument #6 to '?' (Usage: self:AddMessage(text [, color, a, messageID]))"

so there is still something to work out.

yoshimo commented 1 month ago

Tooltips are also broken

["message"] = "GameTooltip:HookScript(): Doesn't have a \"OnTooltipSetUnit\" script",
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:36",
["locals"] = "(*temporary) = GameTooltip {\n shoppingTooltips = <table> {\n }\n updateTooltipTimer = 0.200000\n ItemTooltip = Frame {\n }\n StatusBar = GameTooltipStatusBar {\n }\n TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 {\n }\n supportsItemComparison = true\n supportsDataRefresh = true\n textRight1Font = \"GameTooltipHeaderText\"\n BottomOverlay = Texture {\n }\n NineSlice = Frame {\n }\n textLeft1Font = \"GameTooltipHeaderText\"\n textRight2Font = \"GameTooltipText\"\n TopOverlay = Texture {\n }\n layoutType = \"TooltipDefaultLayout\"\n TextLeft1 = GameTooltipTextLeft1 {\n }\n textLeft2Font = \"GameTooltipText\"\n TextRight2 = GameTooltipTextRight2 {\n }\n TextLeft2 = GameTooltipTextLeft2 {\n }\n}\n(*temporary) = \"OnTooltipSetUnit\"\n",
["stack"] = "[string \"=[C]\"]: in function `HookScript'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/objects/Tooltip.lua\"]:37: in function `Initialize'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/Main.lua\"]:226: in function `OnPlayerLogin'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/Main.lua\"]:56: in function `MainOnEvent'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/Main.lua\"]:110: in function <Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/Main.lua:110>",
["session"] = 642,
["counter"] = 2,

XML also has errors:

["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/GlobalTemplates.xml:11 Unrecognized XML: Backdrop",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:21 Unrecognized XML: Backdrop",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:21 Unrecognized XML attribute: bgFile",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:21 Unrecognized XML attribute: edgeFile",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:22 Unrecognized XML: EdgeSize",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:23 Unrecognized XML: AbsValue",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:23 Unrecognized XML attribute: val",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,
["message"] = "Interface/AddOns/XToLevel/frames/AverageFrame_Classic.xml:25 Unrecognized XML: BackgroundInsets",
["session"] = 642,
["time"] = "2024/08/21 21:48:40",
["counter"] = 2,