RADAR-base / RADAR-Docker

Integrated Docker Stack for the RADAR mHealth Streaming Platform Components
Apache License 2.0
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Source type shows as empty #237

Open omarcr opened 3 years ago

omarcr commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone I am following the installing instructions: https://radar-base.org/index.php/2019/02/13/how-to-install-radar-base-using-radar-docker/

On step 15 it states the following:

Step 15: Allow dynamic-source-registration for SourceType RADAR_pRMT_1.0.0
Go to Entities -> Source Types -> Click on the Edit button of the RADAR pRMT 1.0.0 source-type.
Check the Dynamic source registration check-box, if not already done.
Click on Save button to save the changes.

However in my deployment the "source type" shows empty as here:


These are the status output:

ubuntu@ip-172-26-9-35:~$ sudo docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                        COMMAND                   CREATED             STATUS                            PORTS                                      NAMES
268f8f160ad3        radarbase/postgres:10.6-alpine-1             "docker-entrypoint.s…"    43 minutes ago      Up 43 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_radarbase-postgresql_1
1b38e91e1c2a        nginx:1.14.0-alpine                          "nginx -g 'daemon of…"    3 hours ago         Up 44 minutes           >80/tcp,>443/tcp   radar-cp-hadoop-stack_webserver_1
cb9b5df132be        radarcns/radar-dashboard:2.1.0               "./init.sh"               3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_dashboard_1
c6328aa3dd66        radarbase/radar-hdfs-restructure:0.6.0       "radar-hdfs-restruct…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes                                                                radar-cp-hadoop-stack_radar-output_1
8693b97f5476        radarbase/radar-connect-hdfs-sink:0.2.1      "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_radar-hdfs-connector_1
f66317783673        radarbase/radar-restapi:0.3                  "radar-restapi"           3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_rest-api_1
817c6ec48676        radarbase/radar-backend:0.4.0                "radar-backend-init …"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes                                                                radar-cp-hadoop-stack_radar-backend-stream_1
f5d152616042        radarbase/radar-backend:0.4.0                "radar-backend-init …"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes                                                                radar-cp-hadoop-stack_radar-backend-monitor_1
86a7ace99591        radarbase/kafka-connect-mongodb-sink:0.2.2   "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_radar-mongodb-connector_1
7bd6c1ecddf9        radarbase/management-portal:0.5.5            "/bin/sh -c 'echo \"T…"   3 hours ago         Up 51 minutes (healthy)           5701/udp, 8080/tcp                         radar-cp-hadoop-stack_managementportal-app_1
308ce9ca2e21        radarbase/hdfs:3.0.3-alpine                  "entrypoint.sh datan…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_hdfs-datanode-2_1
fc3a5fff62da        radarbase/hdfs:3.0.3-alpine                  "entrypoint.sh datan…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_hdfs-datanode-1_1
9319b778ae89        radarbase/hdfs:3.0.3-alpine                  "entrypoint.sh datan…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_hdfs-datanode-3_1
da9446d6183a        radarbase/radar-gateway:0.3.9                "radar-gateway /etc/…"    3 hours ago         Up 2 minutes (health: starting)                                              radar-cp-hadoop-stack_gateway_1
00481624c6eb        confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest:4.1.0             "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_rest-proxy-1_1
229c9a6e76bd        radarbase/kafka-init:0.5.1                   "init.sh topic_init.…"    3 hours ago         Exited (0) 42 minutes ago                                                    radar-cp-hadoop-stack_kafka-init_1
06734a9e8a93        radarbase/kafka-manager:             "./entrypoint.sh"         3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_kafka-manager_1
0759cb20752e        namshi/smtp:latest                           "/bin/entrypoint.sh …"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes                     25/tcp                                     radar-cp-hadoop-stack_smtp_1
23629d91bf30        radarbase/hdfs:3.0.3-alpine                  "entrypoint.sh namen…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_hdfs-namenode-1_1
e14565d8794c        radarbase/radar-hotstorage:0.1               "/entrypoint.sh ./in…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_hotstorage_1
14d0b93e543c        radarbase/kafka-init:0.5.1                   "init.sh radar-schem…"    3 hours ago         Up 51 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_catalog-server_1
0c710825229a        portainer/portainer:1.22.0                   "/portainer --admin-…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes                                                                radar-cp-hadoop-stack_portainer_1
47523ec4c879        confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:4.1.0        "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_schema-registry-1_1
147c2e2d8dbc        confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.1.0                  "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_kafka-2_1
2cf610b3c596        confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.1.0                  "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_kafka-3_1
06d5e9e74955        confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.1.0                  "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_kafka-1_1
e9d7e9e92f86        confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0              "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_zookeeper-2_1
10dd8f813172        confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0              "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_zookeeper-1_1
9cd7bd2f2bbc        confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0              "/etc/confluent/dock…"    3 hours ago         Up 53 minutes (healthy)                                                      radar-cp-hadoop-stack_zookeeper-3_1
711d7c710539        nginxdemos/hello                             "nginx -g 'daemon of…"    3 hours ago         Exited (0) 2 hours ago                                                       xenodochial_black
251f2c476ee0        nginxdemos/hello                             "nginx -g 'daemon of…"    3 hours ago         Exited (0) 2 hours ago                                                       gallant_lewin

any advice?

yatharthranjan commented 3 years ago

By default the source import is set to false. You can enable it by setting MANAGEMENTPORTAL_CATALOGUE_SERVER_ENABLE_AUTO_IMPORT=true in the .env file. You will need to restart the management portal. ./bin/radar-docker restart managementportal-app

omarcr commented 3 years ago

Thank you, here is the new screenshot:


it still does not show the RADAR_pRMT as described in the guide.

Any further advice?

Thanks, Omar

omarcr commented 3 years ago

I manage the source type to show Radar_pRMT.

However, after setting the following parameters, I still get a login failed error:

image image image image

Also when trying to delete studies I get the following error:


I am not sure if my deployment of the platform is successful. there seem to be errors in the backend and in the authentification of the users. Any advice on how to fix this I would appreciate.

Thanks, Omar

yatharthranjan commented 3 years ago

In the project setup dialog, please select pRMT_1.1.0 as well (by pressing Ctrl) If you are using the passive application from google play, then the secret of the client on your deployment (empty by default) would also need to be added to the remote configuration. Let us know and we can configure it.

omarcr commented 3 years ago

yes, what do you need from me to configure it? Thanks! We are indeed using the app on the playstore, is there an alternative to that?

yatharthranjan commented 3 years ago

The base url of your deployment. The alternative would be to clone the pRMT source code, then configure it and build it.

omarcr commented 3 years ago



On Thu, Dec 10, 2020, 05:43 Yatharth Ranjan notifications@github.com wrote:

The base url of your deployment

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omarcr commented 3 years ago

Do you need anything else?

yatharthranjan commented 3 years ago

Hi Sorry for the late reply, I have now associated an empty secret on the app for your deployment. Please note that it might take a while for changes to be reflected.