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Paper Review: Explainable software analytics #34

Open parvezmrobin opened 2 years ago

parvezmrobin commented 2 years ago


Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering

Link to The Paper


Name of The Authors

Dam, Hoa Khanh; Tran, Truyen; Ghose, Aditya


Essentially answer the following three research questions.

  1. What forms a (good) explanation in software engineering tasks?: No clear answer but constitutes four elementary explanation types.
  2. How do we build explainable software analytics models and how do we generate explanations from them?: A model can be explainable in three ways -

    1. The model itself is an explanation (global explanation)
    2. Explaining a single instance (local explanation)
    3. Explaining the learning algorithm

    Simple models such as decision trees are often more explainable than sophisticated models like neural networks.

  3. How might we evaluate explainability of software analytics models?:
    1. A simple measure for explainability is the size of a model.
    2. Conducting experiments with practitioners is the best way to evaluate. Machine-produced explanations can be compared against explanations produced by human engineers.

Contributions of The Paper

  1. Defines explainability in software engineering as “explainability or interpretability of a model measures the degree to which a human observer can understand the reasons behind a decision (e.g. a prediction) made by the model”
  2. Discusses different approaches to design, produce, and evaluate explanations


  1. Clean and concise
  2. The need for explanation better be supported by a user-study