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Paper Review: Deep Just-In-Time Inconsistency Detection Between Comments and Source Code #81

Open mehilshah opened 1 month ago

mehilshah commented 1 month ago



Link to The Paper


Name of The Authors

Sheena Panthaplackel, Junyi Jessy Li, Milos Gligoric, Raymond J. Mooney

Year of Publication



Contributions of The Paper

  1. A novel deep learning approach for just-in-time inconsistency detection between code comments and code changes
  2. Construction of a large-scale dataset for training and evaluating comment inconsistency detection
  3. Demonstration of the utility of the approach in supporting more comprehensive automatic comment maintenance tools


  1. A hybrid representation of code works better than a singular representation (Seq. + AST outperforms Seq. + AST individually)
  2. GRU for encoding sequences, GGNN for encoding ASTs.
  3. Post-hoc is more necessary for us, rather than Just-in-Time, so instead of encoding the Medit and Cedit, we should focus on encoding the original M and C.
  4. Possibly use CodeBERT embeddings directly or from the same authors' prior work.
  5. RNNs, GGNNs, and multi-head attention to learn the relationship between comments and code changes; I wonder if such complications are necessary for us, as we are not particularly dealing with code changes and just static code.