RANKTW / Discord-Token-Checker

⚡ Discord Token Checker with GUI
MIT License
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cant open jar file #17

Closed mrlexiaunt closed 2 years ago

mrlexiaunt commented 2 years ago


any idea how to fix?

mrlexiaunt commented 2 years ago

i cant open it, i installed java and nothing :/

RANKTW commented 2 years ago

what Java version you installed please make sure it's 1.8 and is download from http://java.com you can type java -version in command prompt to check what version you currently using

mrlexiaunt commented 2 years ago

java version "17" 2021-09-14 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17+35-LTS-2724) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17+35-LTS-2724, mixed mode, sharing)

RANKTW commented 2 years ago

yeah wrong version you need to uninstall the other version and download from http://java.com only

mrlexiaunt commented 2 years ago

okey thanks, and last why it use like 5gb of ram? image

RANKTW commented 2 years ago

did you try to use the Login Discord function? if so that is probably why

mrlexiaunt commented 2 years ago

yep yep, but why it consume that munch ram?

RANKTW commented 2 years ago

because it simulates a browser